Why is Dumbledore so powerful? The thing that made Dumbledore (and even Voldemort) so powerful was the desire for power. Dumbledore could’ve given some time to his family. But he wanted glory , he wanted people to revere him (he regretted it afterwards) . His brilliance and his desire made a powerful combination. What was […]
How does reign over me end?
What are the good ways that discretion can be used?
What are the good ways that discretion can be used? Police Discretion: Key Terms & Examples Examples: draw/fire a weapon, issue a traffic ticket, make an arrest, search someone, stop/assist a person. Pros: offers flexibility; gives officers the ability to make decisions quickly without consulting courts or other officers. What is the role of power […]
What are the objectives of rehabilitation?
What are the objectives of rehabilitation? The ultimate aim of rehabilitation is to provide the individual with opportunities for full and effective participation and inclusion in society, including studying, working and access to all services on the same basis as other citizens. What is the difference between rehabilitation and physical therapy? Physical therapy involves the […]
Is brave a compliment?
Is brave a compliment? Calling a person “brave” or “unapologetic” for posting photos of their body that is not a size zero is not a compliment. This word choice suggests they have something to apologize for. It suggests they are courageous for simply living in their own skin. What is the opposite word of brave? […]
Why is vainglory dead?
Where is the best place to live in a zombie apocalypse?
Where is the best place to live in a zombie apocalypse? the Midwest What caused the plague in I Am Legend? This genetically engineered measles virus is the reason for the plague and the zombie-like creatures in the fictional film. It was not a vaccination but a modified virus used to treat cancer (cancer is […]
What do you reply to True?
What does non substantial mean?
What does non substantial mean? Not substantial; without substance. How much is substantial? Something substantial is large in size, number, or amount: If you want to say someone spent a lot of money without being too specific, you could say they spent a substantial amount of money. Is exceptional a good thing? Generally, exceptional is […]