What is the culture of the Southwest people?

What is the culture of the Southwest people? Three of the major cultural traditions that impacted the region include the Paleo-Indian tradition, the Southwestern Archaic tradition, and the Post-Archaic cultures tradition. As various cultures developed over time, many of them shared similarities in family structure and religious beliefs. Is the Southwest a good place to […]

Which biome has the highest species diversity?

Which biome has the highest species diversity? Tropical forests Which ecosystem has the lowest amount of biodiversity and why? Which Biome Has the Least Biodiversity? Arctic Biome. Because little to nothing grows in ground that is frozen year-round except for some forms of microscopic life, the arctic biome has the least amount of diversity among […]

Who used newborn goslings in an experiment which have an innate tendency to follow the first moving object they see after being hatched?

Who used newborn goslings in an experiment which have an innate tendency to follow the first moving object they see after being hatched? Lorenz found that geese follow the first moving object they see, during a 12-17 hour critical period after hatching. This process is known as imprinting, and suggests that attachment is innate and […]

What time zone is 6 hours behind?

What time zone is 6 hours behind? Central Time Zone What timezone is 6 hours ahead of BST? GMT+6 timing GMT+06 is a time offset that adds 6 hours to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). It is observed in the BST, BTT, IOT, KGT, OMST, VOST during standard time. What countries are 6 hours behind GMT? […]

Which cause-and-effect relationship in broken chain best expresses the theme?

Which cause-and-effect relationship in broken chain best expresses the theme? Which cause-and-effect relationship in “Broken Chain” best expresses the theme “Outward appearances are important to people”? Cause: Alfonso sees his crooked teeth in the mirror. Effect: He becomes depressed. Which sentence from broken chain best expresses a theme related to working towards a goal? Answer:The […]

What did the Maya adopt from the Olmec?

What did the Maya adopt from the Olmec? The Maya adopted many practices established by the Olmec, including ritual bloodletting, the Mesoamerican ballgame, and the Long Count calendar. What did the Olmec invent? popcorn What was the main crop of the Maya Aztec and Olmecs? However, their main staple food was maize, or corn. It […]

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