What groups shaped the culture of the Southwest *?

What groups shaped the culture of the Southwest *? What groups shaped the culture of the Southwest? Native Americans and the Spanish living together, shared their cultures. What were two challenges American settlers faced when moving west? As settlers and homesteaders moved westward to improve the land given to them through the Homestead Act, they […]

Why is sunlight distributed unevenly?

Why is sunlight distributed unevenly? The uneven distribution of solar radiation on Earth’s surface drives atmospheric dynamics. The seasons result primarily from the Earth’s rotation axis not being perpendicular to the plane of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. Earth’s orbit around the sun. What are the two major reasons behind the unequal distribution of […]

Which quotations reveal the historical significance of the suffragette defaced penny Brainly?

Which quotations reveal the historical significance of the suffragette defaced penny Brainly? Answer: The answers are: “Our Edward VII bronze penny was struck in the year of the formation of the Women’s Social and Political Union (the WSPU), whose founders included Emmeline Pankhurst . . .” Why is the suffragette defaced penny historically significant? Suffragette […]

What happens to sugar when it dissolves in water?

What happens to sugar when it dissolves in water? Solid sugar consists of individual sugar molecules held together by intermolecular attractive forces. When water dissolves sugar, it separates the individual sugar molecules by disrupting the attractive forces, but does not break the covalent bonds between the carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. What is sugar dissolved […]

Does binary fission produce identical cells?

Does binary fission produce identical cells? Binary fission is the method by which prokaryotes produce new individuals that are genetically identical to the parent organism. Does binary fission produce genetically identical offspring? Prokaryotic cells grow to a certain size. Then they divide by binary fission. This is a type of asexual reproduction. Binary fission produces […]

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