Why did hunter gatherers live in groups?

Why did hunter gatherers live in groups? The ancient hunter-gatherers lived in small groups, normally of about ten or twelve adults plus children. They were regularly on the move, searching for nuts, berries and other plants (which usually provided most of their nutrition) and following the wild animals which the males hunted for meat. Did […]

What do 5 short blasts of a horn mean?

What do 5 short blasts of a horn mean? Five or more short and rapid blasts – Danger or doubt signal (I don’t understand your intent). Vessels indicate their intention to maneuver by using sound signals. If you do not agree with or understand clearly what the other vessel’s intentions are, you should sound the […]

What used introspection to study the basic elements of mental experiences?

What used introspection to study the basic elements of mental experiences? Learning Objectives School of psychology Description Structuralism Uses the method of introspection to identify the basic elements or “structures” of psychological experience Psychodynamic Focuses on the role of our unconscious thoughts, feelings, and memories and our early childhood experiences in determining behavior Was an […]

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