What is the safest best way to avoid an STD? Safer sex means using condoms, internal condoms, or dental dams. These barriers help block fluids and some skin-to-skin touching that can pass STDs. You can use condoms for vaginal sex, anal sex, and oral sex on a penis. You can use internal condoms for vaginal […]
Why did hunter gatherers live in groups?
Why did hunter gatherers live in groups? The ancient hunter-gatherers lived in small groups, normally of about ten or twelve adults plus children. They were regularly on the move, searching for nuts, berries and other plants (which usually provided most of their nutrition) and following the wild animals which the males hunted for meat. Did […]
What do 5 short blasts of a horn mean?
What do 5 short blasts of a horn mean? Five or more short and rapid blasts – Danger or doubt signal (I don’t understand your intent). Vessels indicate their intention to maneuver by using sound signals. If you do not agree with or understand clearly what the other vessel’s intentions are, you should sound the […]
What is a causal relationship between two variables?
What is a causal relationship between two variables? Causality. There is a causal relationship between two variables if a change in the level of one variable causes a change in the other variable. Note that correlation does not imply causality. It is possible for two variables to be associated with each other without one of […]
Can you fit 3 car seats in a Toyota Camry?
When an economy is at its natural rate of unemployment which of the following will be true?
When an economy is at its natural rate of unemployment which of the following will be true? Question: When An Economy Is At Its Natural Rate Of Unemployment, Which Of The Following Will Be True? The Unemployment Rate Will Be 0% Only Frictional Unemployment Will Exist In The Economy. Only Structural Unemployment As A Result […]
What used introspection to study the basic elements of mental experiences?
What used introspection to study the basic elements of mental experiences? Learning Objectives School of psychology Description Structuralism Uses the method of introspection to identify the basic elements or “structures” of psychological experience Psychodynamic Focuses on the role of our unconscious thoughts, feelings, and memories and our early childhood experiences in determining behavior Was an […]
Which state of water allows fish to remain in a lake when winter temperatures are below 0c explain?
What do scientists use in order to ensure accurate and precise measurements?
What do scientists use in order to ensure accurate and precise measurements? significant figures Which of the following is an example of measurement bias in scientific measurement? Which of the following is an example of measurement bias in scientific measurement? A balance that always reads . 01 g is an example of measurement bias in […]
Why did Florence became the center of the Renaissance?
Why did Florence became the center of the Renaissance? Florence was very important during the Renaissance because it was a major center of Renaissance culture. Wool from the area around Florence was sold all over Europe and even over to the Middle East. This brought a lot of money to Florence, which allowed rich people […]