What is a Machiavellian leader?

What is a Machiavellian leader? The author’s name has been lent to a style of leadership and management associated with cynicism, deceit and guile. To be described as Machiavellian is to be insulted — it means being duplicitous, egocentric and manipulative. The Machiavellian is exploitative, competitive, and selfish. Can Machiavellianism be good? High Machs can […]

What did Aristotle teach Alexander?

What did Aristotle teach Alexander? Aristotle taught Alexander that a monarchy is only better than a democracy when the king knows better than all of his people. He also taught Alexander that to be a great leader he had to conquer Asia. He told Alexander, “Rule the Greeks as your equals, but treat all others […]

What does Essentialised mean?

What does Essentialised mean? Essentialism is the view that every entity has a set of attributes that are necessary to its identity and function. Essentialist and reductive thinking lies at the core of many discriminatory and extremist ideologies. Psychological essentialism is also correlated with racial prejudice. Is essentialism good or bad? As its deployment in […]

Who is the father of analytical school?

Who is the father of analytical school? Austin What jurisprudence means? The word jurisprudence is derived from a latin word jurisprudentia which in its widest sense, means knowledge of law… Jurisprudence. Importance of jurisprudence. The word jurisprudence is derived from a latin word jurisprudentia which in its widest sense, means knowledge of law. What is […]

What are examples of code switching?

What are examples of code switching? Both in popular usage and in sociolinguistic study, the name code-switching is sometimes used to refer to switching among dialects, styles or registers. This form of switching is practiced, for example, by speakers of African American Vernacular English as they move from less formal to more formal settings. What […]

Why is postmodernism bad?

Why is postmodernism bad? Criticisms of postmodernism, while intellectually diverse, share the opinion that it lacks coherence and is hostile to the notion of absolutes, such as truth. Postmodern philosophy is also a frequent subject of criticism for obscurantism and resistance to reliable knowledge. … What is the goal of postmodernism? As a philosophy, postmodernism […]

What is meant by supercharging?

What is meant by supercharging? A supercharger is an air compressor that increases the pressure or density of air supplied to an internal combustion engine. Power for the supercharger can be provided mechanically by means of a belt, shaft, or chain connected to the engine’s crankshaft. What is scavenging in IC engine? Scavenging is the […]

What is the unit of measuring height?

What is the unit of measuring height? Choosing Appropriate Units of Measure Quantity Appropriate unit of measure Height of a person Feet and inches, or centimeters Weight of a person Pounds or kilograms Height of a high-rise building Meters or feet Height of a mountain peak Meters or feet What are the 2 units of […]

Is college probability and statistics hard?

Is college probability and statistics hard? If you are talking about INTRODUCTORY probability and statistics, then yeah it is pretty easy. Most introductory level probability and statistics classes don’t even require calculus as a prerequisite. However, as you get into the higher level classes, it can become quite challenging. What decision is made at the […]

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