What are the two things needed for protein synthesis? Protein synthesis is process in which polypeptide chains are formed from coded combinations of single amino acids inside the cell. The synthesis of new polypeptides requires a coded sequence, enzymes, and messenger, ribosomal, and transfer ribonucleic acids (RNAs). What are the two main purposes of protein […]
Which gas is highly compressible?
Which gas is highly compressible? Gases are compressible because most of the volume of a gas is composed of the large amounts of empty space between the gas particles. At room temperature and standard pressure, the average distance between gas molecules is about ten times the diameter of the molecules themselves. How much work is […]
What is the difference between electric field and force?
What is the difference between electric field and force? The strength of the electric field is defined as the electrostatic force experienced by a small test charge qo placed at that point divided by the charge itself. The electric field is a vector, and its direction is the same as the direction of the force […]
Which position is safe for always keep the cylinder?
Which position is safe for always keep the cylinder? Always keep the cylinders in a vertical position with the valve on top. If cylinder is placed in any other position, liquid LPG may gush out of the open valve creating a dangerous situation. Cylinders must be installed at ground level and never below ground level […]
What are 2 examples of fungi?
What are 2 examples of fungi? Examples of fungi are yeasts, rusts, stinkhorns, puffballs, truffles, molds, mildews and mushrooms. What are 3 example of fungi? Fungus, plural fungi, any of about 144,000 known species of organisms of the kingdom Fungi, which includes the yeasts, rusts, smuts, mildews, molds, and mushrooms. There are also many funguslike […]
Does plasma have an indefinite shape?
What are the similarities between Venus and Mars?
What are the similarities between Venus and Mars? Venus’s atmosphere is thick and dense, whereas that of Mars is light and tenuous. Despite the differences, the magnetometer instruments have discovered that the structure of the magnetic fields of both planets are alike. What characteristics do Venus and Earth share? Earth and Venus has similar size, […]
How much fuel does a train use per Kilometre?
How much fuel does a train use per Kilometre? The average fuel consumed per kilo- meter for all passenger and cargo trains is 7.97 L/ km. This value for local, trafficking, railway track laying and maneuvering trains is 7.92 L/km. Why do trains have wires above them? In our world, a catenary is a system […]
How much does it cost to run a 60w bulb for 24 hours?
What stops cells from growing?
What stops cells from growing? In the absence of sugar, TORC1s assemble into a tubular structure, rendering them inactive and thus cell growth stops. TORC1 is an enzyme complex that controls the normal growth of our cells; but, when too active, it can promote diseases such as cancer. How do you stop cells from dividing? […]