What were the political structures in South Asia?

What were the political structures in South Asia? In South Asia, five countries have parliamentary governments, including Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal and Pakistan. Of these, three are federal republics (India, Nepal and Pakistan), one is a unitary republic (Bangladesh) and one is a constitutional monarchy (Bhutan). How did South Asia get its independence? British Decided […]

What is the problem with demand side economics?

What is the problem with demand side economics? Insufficient Demand Causes Unemployment Because of this lack of aggregate demand, unemployment persisted and, contrary to classical theories of economics, the market was not able to self-correct and restore balance. What are the differences between demand side and supply side economics? Supply-side economics believes that producers and […]

What makes literary journalism different from early twentieth century models?

What makes literary journalism different from early twentieth century models? What makes literary journalism different from early-twentieth-century models of “objective” journalism? a. Literary journalism believed in reporting on both sides of an argument, whereas objective journalism focused only on one opinion. What was the first major wire service? In 1848, six New York newspapers formed […]

How did convoys protect merchant ships?

How did convoys protect merchant ships? The advantage of using convoys was that defenseless merchant vessels no longer need traverse the high seas alone and unprotected, but could travel in groups large enough to justify the allocation of scarce destroyers and other patrol vessels to escort them across the Atlantic. How did the convoy system […]

Which sociological perspective sees technology and media?

Which sociological perspective sees technology and media? Functionalism sees the contribution that technology and media provide to the stability of society, from facilitating leisure time to increasing productivity. Conflict theorists are more concerned with how technology reinforces inequalities among communities, both within and among countries. How would a functionalist view mass media? Functionalism suggests that […]

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