Who gets classified as being in the labor force? The labor force is the number of people who are employed plus the unemployed who are looking for work. 1 The labor pool does not include the jobless who aren’t looking for work. For example, stay-at-home moms, retirees, and students are not part of the labor […]
What caused the Great Rift Valley and the Great Escarpment?
What caused the Great Rift Valley and the Great Escarpment? What caused the Great Rift Valley and the Great Escarpment? The great escarpments in Sub-Saharan Africa were formed by rivers flowing for long eons through the plains and plateaus. What makes portions of Sub-Saharan rivers unnavigable? What makes portions of Sub-Saharan rivers unnavigable? Cataracts and […]
Which religions came to India from abroad?
Which religions came to India from abroad? Answer: Islam and Christian. are the religion came to India. What two religions started in India? Indian religions, sometimes also termed Dharmic religions or Indic religions, are the religions that originated in the Indian subcontinent; namely Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and Sikhism. Who brought Christianity to India? Saint Thomas […]
What is ethical egoism theory?
What is ethical egoism theory? Ethical egoism is the normative theory that the promotion of one’s own good is in accordance with morality. In the strong version, it is held that it is always moral to promote one’s own good, and it is never moral not to promote it. How does an ethical egoist determine […]
Why was the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 a success under the Articles of Confederation quizlet?
Why was the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 a success under the Articles of Confederation quizlet? Why was the Northwest Ordinance considered to be the most important law passed during the period of confederation? The Northwest Ordinance set up a system that became a general guide for admission of future states. For that reason alone, it […]
When the response rate on a questionnaire is low?
When the response rate on a questionnaire is low? A low response rate can give rise to sampling bias if the nonresponse is unequal among the participants regarding exposure and/or outcome. Such bias is known as nonresponse bias. For many years, a survey’s response rate was viewed as an important indicator of survey quality. Why […]
What are the effects of cyberbullying to students?
What are the effects of cyberbullying to students? Self-esteem, of all parties involved, is affected by cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is similar to traditional bullying, because victims of cyberbullying often report mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, feelings of alienation, reduced concentration, and suicidal thoughts (Kowalski et al., 2012). How can you help preventing Internet addiction […]
What was the impact of triangular trade on Europe the American colonies and Africa?
What was the impact of triangular trade on Europe the American colonies and Africa? Mercantilism led to the emergence of what’s been called the “triangular trade”: a system of exchange in which Europe supplied Africa and the Americas with finished goods, the Americas supplied Europe and Africa with raw materials, and Africa supplied the Americas […]
What is a locator globe?
How can a global dependence on fossil fuels have associated social costs?
How can a global dependence on fossil fuels have associated social costs? How can a global dependence on fossil fuels have associated social costs? A global dependence on fossil fuels leads to an increased demand for limited resources. This leads to increased costs and greater access to resources for people and countries with greater monetary […]