Which is stronger fusion or Potara? Bottom line: Potara is stronger than Metamoran fusion, but Gogeta is as strong as Vegito because Goku and Vegeta didn’t have to lower their power levels to fuse. Its quite balance they must have. Having to lower your power level will make for a weaker fusion. Potara doesn’t force […]
What are the different types of electoral system?
What are the different types of electoral system? The electoral systems currently in use in representative democracies can be divided into two basic kinds: majoritarian systems and proportional representation systems (often referred to as PR). In majoritarian electoral systems, winning candidates are those having attracted the most votes in a given electoral district. What are […]
Has anyone hit a homerun in every ballpark?
Has anyone hit a homerun in every ballpark? When this question was posed early in 2019, I had given the answer that Mark Reynolds and Curtis Granderson had homered in every MLB ballpark. While the Toddfather is only 32nd on the active career HR list, he has nonetheless managed to homer in every current ballpark […]
What are the similarities between mitochondria and chloroplast?
What are the similarities between mitochondria and chloroplast? Both the chloroplast and the mitochondrion are organelles found in the cells of plants, but only mitochondria are found in animal cells. The function of chloroplasts and mitochondria is to generate energy for the cells in which they live. The structure of both organelle types includes an […]
Does light travel faster in denser mediums?
Is the aurora borealis dangerous?
Is the aurora borealis dangerous? The Northern Lights occur so high up in the atmosphere that they don’t pose any threat to people watching them from the ground. The aurora itself is not harmful to humans but the electrically charged particles produced could have some potentially negative effects to infrastructure and technology. Is 2020 a […]
Is too much walking bad for joints?
Is too much walking bad for joints? A new study shows that middle-aged men and women who engage in high levels of physical activity — at home and at work as well as at the gym — may be unwittingly damaging their knees and increasing their risk for osteoarthritis. The study involved men and women […]
What is difference between invertebrates and vertebrates?
What is difference between invertebrates and vertebrates? Vertebrates are more complex organisms when compared to invertebrates. The primary difference between the two is that vertebrates possess a backbone and an internal skeleton. What are the five fish vertebrate classes? Vertebrate Classification. Vertebrates can be subdivided into five major groups: fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. […]
What sport has the worst injuries?
What sport has the worst injuries? Believe it or not, basketball actually has more injuries than any other sport, followed by football, soccer and baseball. Common sports injuries include hamstring strains, groin pulls, shin splints, ACL tears and concussions. What care should be taken when using sports equipment? Contents 1 Introduction. 2 Protective Materials. 3 […]
How do you stop a fission chain reaction?
How do you stop a fission chain reaction? In the operation of a nuclear reactor, fuel assemblies are put into place and then the control rods are slowly lifted until a chain reaction can just be sustained. As the reaction proceeds, the number of uranium-235 nuclei decreases and fission by-products which absorb neutrons build up. […]