How do you post more than 140 characters on twitter?

How do you post more than 140 characters on twitter? How to Tweet Longer Than 140 Characters Install the browser extension Tampermonkey (here’s the Chrome version; here’s the Safari version), which lets you install customized user scripts to your browser. Install the “Twitter Cramming” user script located here by clicking on the “Raw” button. Tweet […]

Which of the following occurs when a material that was learned earlier disrupts the recall of material learned later?

Which of the following occurs when a material that was learned earlier disrupts the recall of material learned later? Proactive Interference Is attention linked to memory? Attention and working memory are both key to learning new information. Attention allows information to be taken in. Working memory helps the brain make sense of it. Many kids […]

Why is it necessary to study a sample of individuals that is representative of a larger population?

Why is it necessary to study a sample of individuals that is representative of a larger population? Samples are useful in statistical analysis when population sizes are large because they contain smaller, manageable versions of the larger group. What is representative sampling? “Representative sampling” is a type of statistical sampling that allows us to use […]

What is substance dependence in psychology?

What is substance dependence in psychology? Substance dependence, also known as drug dependence, is an adaptive state that develops from repeated drug administration, and which results in withdrawal upon cessation of drug use. Can medicine tolerance be reversed? Drug tolerance is indicative of drug use but is not necessarily associated with drug dependence or addiction. […]

Are intrusive igneous rocks fine grained?

Are intrusive igneous rocks fine grained? Igneous rocks may be simply classified according to their chemical/mineral composition as felsic, intermediate, mafic, and ultramafic, and by texture or grain size: intrusive rocks are course grained (all crystals are visible to the naked eye) while extrusive rocks may be fine-grained (microscopic crystals) or glass ( … Which […]

What does it mean to say that nonverbal communication establishes relationship-level meaning?

What does it mean to say that nonverbal communication establishes relationship-level meaning? Nonverbal communication establishes relationship-level meaning: we use nonverbal communication to convey the three dimensions of relationship-level meaning: responsiveness, liking, and power. yet how people communicate responsiveness, liking and disliking, and power depends on the rules of their cultures. What are some aspects to […]

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