How do you change the oil on a 1999 Ford Expedition?
Open the hood, and remove the oil filler cap from the valve cover. Jack up the 1999 Ford Expedition, and place jackstands under the notches on the vehicle frame near both front tires. Lower the vehicle by releasing the jack slowly, until the Expedition rests securely on the jackstands.
How do you change the oil in a 5.4 Triton?
Remove the oil fill cap and stick a clean, oil safe funnel into the fill neck. Slowly poor in the required amount of new engine oil. After you have filled the engine with oil, reinstall the oil fill cap. Pull the dipstick and verify the engine oil level.
Can I use 10w30 instead of 5w20?
Originally Answered: Can I put 10w30 instead of 5w20? You can, but you will get worse mileage, and in most cases shorten the life of your engine, as it will take longer to pump up pressure for your bearings and lifters, and won’t spray your lower cylinders for an extra second or so on each cold start.
Is 5W20 good for winter?
5W20 motor oil is another low-temperature grade typically recommended for winter use, with a 10W-30 as an alternative for higher temperatures. This oil type is common because it provides the best fuel economy, saves fuel consumption, and has fewer exhaust emissions.
Is 5w30 or 10W30 better for summer?
5w30 is a great multigrade oil for use in low starting temperatures as well as high summer temperatures. It is also more fuel efficient since it creates less drag on the bearings and moving engine parts. 10w30 is thicker and may provide better sealing capability for older engines.
When should I switch from 5W30 to 10W30?
You don’t really need to change to the 10W30. The 5W and 10W are the numbers that tell you the low temperature behavior of the oil and the second number tells you the high temperature behavior. The oils only differ in cold weather viscosity. If you never see temperatures below zero F then either 5W30 or 10W30 is fine.
Should you use thicker oil in the summer?
Engines need a thicker oil in the summer months because of the summer heat and its effects on thinning the oil out. When the weather cools down, you can switch back to a lighter, thinner oil, which will help preserve gas mileage in the winter months.
Is 0w20 better than 5W30?
0W-20 OIL. It readily means that the 0 oil will flow well and better at a cold temperature more than 5W-30 oils even while maintaining the same viscosity. The 0W-20 is said to be the best oil in the market because it helps to reduce environment hassle on waste oil disposal.