How many daughters does Mr Smith have 4 daughters?

How many daughters does Mr Smith have 4 daughters?

The answer to the riddle is… five! Mr. Smith has five children. Each of his daughters had a brother, but they all shared the same brother. Therefore, four daughters plus one brother = five children in total.

What is the answer to Mr Harry has 4 daughters?

Eventhough they are died earlier or they have married and left, those 5 people are considered to be Mr. Harry’s Children always. Hence, he have 5 Children always. Thus, the answer to the question is 5.

Do Mr and Mrs Smith have a baby?

Mr. and Mrs. Smith Have Only One Child, but What a Child!: Bertrand, Cecile: 9780688113315: Books.

Has a brother Meaning?

For single mother and father (assumed) they HAD one brother. Now it is written that “each daughter HAD a brother”, which doesn’t mean that the Son is also dead. If it would have been written like “The person HAD a son”, then it means his Son also died in past.

What do we call Brother in English?

A brother or sister; a sibling.

What is the full form of brother?

The Full form of BROTHER is B:briliant r:role model o:orthodox t:teacher h:horrible e:enchanting r:roommate, or BROTHER stands for B:briliant r:role model o:orthodox t:teacher h:horrible e:enchanting r:roommate, or the full name of given abbreviation is B:briliant r:role model o:orthodox t:teacher h:horrible e: …

What is the full form of wife?

WIFE. Washing, Ironing, Feeding, and Entertainment.

What is full form of girl?

Abbreviation : GIRL GIRL – Graph Information Retrieval Language. GIRL – Goddess In Real Life. GIRL – Glamorous Intelligent Respected Leaders. GIRL – Grace Inspiration Respect Love. GIRL – Genetically Inferior Retarded Lifeform.

Why is a wife called a wife?

The word is of Germanic origin, from Proto-Germanic *wībam, “woman”. The original meaning of the phrase “wife” as simply “woman”, unconnected with marriage or a husband/wife, is preserved in words such as “midwife”, “goodwife”, “fishwife” and “spaewife”.

Is your wife considered family?

The Census Bureau’s definition of “family” remains traditional: “A family is a group of two people or more (one of whom is the householder) related by birth, marriage, or adoption and residing together.” In 2010, almost everyone — 99.8 percent — agreed that a husband, wife and kids count as a family.

Who is more important mother or wife?

In every man’s life, both mother and wife play prominent roles. While mother gives life and brings him up facing all the odds, the wife becomes his twin soul caring and also correcting him and standing by him throughout the life.

Are couples who don’t have children a family?

For example, most Americans say a single parent raising a child is a family. They also say that parents don’t have to be married to be a family, nor do they have to be of the opposite sex. The public is less willing to say same-sex and unmarried heterosexual couples without children are full-fledged families.

Is an ex wife a relative?

Does an ex-spouse count as a relative? A: No. Exes, boyfriends, and girlfriends are not considered relatives. Fiancés and fiancées are considered relatives, however, provided some proof is available showing that the couple is actually engaged.

Is an ex wife considered immediate family?

Immediate Family Members means with respect to any individual, such individual’s child, stepchild, grandchild or more remote descendant, parent, stepparent, grandparent, spouse, former spouse, qualified domestic partner, sibling, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in-law and daughter-in-law (including adoptive …

Is a divorced family still a family?

Children of divorce have to redefine their family. Children living in a family where the parents have divorced or separated need to know that they still have a family. It may mean that their family lives in two homes, that new people are added—such as stepparents— or that they will now live with their grandparents.

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