How did Frankenstein react to the accusation?

How did Frankenstein react to the accusation?

What was Frankenstein’s reaction to this accusation? He was sure the creature had committed the murder. He appealed to the courts to let Justine go free, and told his family that she was innocent, but he did not tell anyone about the creature.

How does Victor react to Justine’s death?

Victor Frankenstein feels tremendously guilty over Justine’s death, and tortures himself endlessly over it. He feels that he suffers worse from Justine’s fate than Justine herself, because she had innocence to sustain her, and also a swift death.

What was the evidence used against Justine in Frankenstein?

The prosecutor presents the evidence of a market woman who placed Justine at the scene of the crime and the picture from the locket given to William. Justine expresses true remorse for the death of William, proclaims her innocence, and tells of how she became part of the crime scene.

How does Victor know Justine is innocent?

Finally at home, Victor engages in a conversation with his family. He learns that Justine is accused of the murder with circumstantial evidence. He relays his assertion of Justine’s innocence and states that she will be found not guilty. His words reassure Elizabeth in a time of great need.

What evidence indicates Justine’s guilt?

1- She was assumed guilty and had to prove her innocence. 2- She was not provided with a lawyer. 3- She was convicted on circumstantial evidence. 4- She was bullied into a confession while in jail.

What does Elizabeth say about Justine in her letter to Victor?

having a friend made Victor heal quicker. What did Elizabeth say about Justine in her letter to Victor? Elizabeth’s letter expresses her concern about Victor’s illness and entreats him to write to his family in Geneva as soon as he can.

Who does Victor blame for the deaths of William and Justine?

However, Victor’s true responsibility in the deaths of his brother and Justine was due to his inability to care for the creature he created. Immediately after the creation of the creature, Victor felt breathless horror and disgust filled [his] heart (Vol.

Why does Elizabeth refuse to believe that Justine is guilty?

Why does Elizabeth refuse to believe that Justine is guilty? She trust Justine and considers her part of the family that she knows really well. She firmly believes she knows Justine is incapable of committing such a crime, especially against William. SHE WAS LIKE A MOTHER TO WILLIAM.

Why does the creature compare himself to Adam what did he read what similarities and differences does he see?

The story of Adam’s creation made the monster question the whereabouts of his creator and wonder if his creator abandoned him like God cast down Satan. The monster, based on what he had read, believed that just as God created Adam, so had Frankenstein created him; in that sense he was similar to Adam.

What does the monster learn from observing the poor family in Chapter 11?

The monster notices that the poor family communicates with each other using strange sounds. Vowing to learn their language, he tries to make sounds like them and imitates their actions. He also learns the basics of language, including the names of the young man and woman, Felix and Agatha.

Why are the Cottagers in Chapter 12 Sad?

The cottagers are sad because of their poverty, he’s confused because they have each other while he is all alone. The cottagers names are Felix, Agatha, and De Lacey.

What happens when the creature tries to express himself?

When the creature introduces himself to the cottagers Agatha faints, Safie runs away from the scene, and Felix beats the creature with a stick.

How does the creature react to his own reflection?

In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, when the creature sees himself reflected in a pool of water his reaction is one of disgust. For the first time, the creature sees himself as others see him, and he realizes how hideous he appears to them.

What does the creature want most in life?

The creature wants to be loved and a companion the most in life.

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