Why is Twilight book so popular?

Why is Twilight book so popular?

Why Twilight is So Popular It’s an easy read, with lots of simple dialogue that is easy to breeze through, although at about 500 pages, the book easily could have trimmed by 100 pages or more.

How many Twilight books have sold?

100 million

Are the Twilight books any good?

sure, it is a worthy enough read…the reasons being: If you love romantic novels, go for it. All aspects of a romantic life are beautifully described. It is a fantasy story, but the way it is written makes it a series worth reading.

Should I watch twilight or read the books?

The Twilight Saga is one book series that should definitely be read first because it fills in a lot of the plot holes you might have been confused about while watching the movies. It even adds depth to the characters and explains their actions in ways you might not have realized otherwise.

Is Twilight ok for 13 year olds?

The movie adaptations came out with PG-13 ratings, suggesting that the content was best for teens age 13 and up, and parental guidance may be needed. “Twilight,” “New Moon,” and “Eclipse” contain some disturbing images, sexuality, and violent content.

Is Twilight Eclipse inappropriate?

This is the most violent Twilight movie to date, with an extended battle scene between the army of newborn vampires and the Cullen/werewolf alliance. Less swearing than most PG-13 movies. Language includes “ass,” “bad-ass,” “damn,” “hell,” “bloodsucker,” etc.

Why is Twilight Eclipse rated R?

Why is Twilight Saga: Eclipse rated PG-13? The MPAA rated Twilight Saga: Eclipse PG-13 for intense sequences of action and violence, and some sensuality.

Is Twilight hated?

Twilight was undeserving of all the hate it got, even if it lacked a proper plot and its protagonists were painfully underdeveloped, but those who mocked it for years missed the point of the stories, which was, simply, to entertain a specific audience.

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