Is it illegal to slaughter horses in the US?

Is it illegal to slaughter horses in the US?

Last year, approximately 40,000 American horses were trucked over our borders to be slaughtered for human consumption. Until this practice is banned and Congress passes a law against slaughter here in the U.S., no horse is safe.

What happens to horses that go to slaughter?

Unlike animals raised for food, the vast majority of horses sent to slaughter will have ingested, or been treated or injected with, multiple chemical substances that are known to be dangerous to humans, untested on humans or specifically prohibited for use in animals raised for human consumption.

What happens to dead horses in the US?

Most American horses destined for slaughter are transported to EU-regulated plants in Mexico and Canada. Because American horses are not intended for the human food chain, they often receive medications banned by the Food and Drug Administration for use in food animals.

Are horses shipped to Japan for slaughter?

At least twice a year, horses from Manitoba are loaded onto a plane in Winnipeg and sent halfway across the world for slaughter. In Japan horse meat is eaten in the form of sashimi, in thin slices dipped in soy sauce.

Does Taco Bell use horse meat in their tacos?

Taco Bell has officially joined Club Horse Meat. The British Food Standards Agency said Taco Bell’s products contained more than 1% (pdf) horse meat. “We apologize to our customers and take this matter very seriously as food quality is our highest priority,” a spokesman for the chain said.

Does Canada slaughter horses?

About the Slaughter In 2012, more than 82,000 horses were slaughtered in Canada—that’s nearly 1,600 horses killed each week. Many were young healthy horses that were sold at auction to the highest bidder – a “killer buyer” working for a slaughterhouse. In fact, over 50% of horses sold at rural auctions go to slaughter.

Is it illegal to sell horse meat in Canada?

In Canada, it is illegal to sell food in a manner that is misleading or deceptive. Second, in Canada, the potential use of horse meat as a substitute for beef would be unlikely. There are only four federally registered establishments that perform horse slaughter, and most of this meat is exported.

Is it legal to butcher horses in Canada?

Many of the resulting foals are of no use to the industry and are often sent to slaughter. In Canada, it’s legal to transport horses up to 36 hours without water, food or rest in any and all weather conditions. In Canada, four slaughterhouses are licensed to slaughter horses: Viande Richelieu Inc.

What does Canada do with horse meat?

Text: CALGARY — Canada – and in particular Alberta – is one of the world’s biggest suppliers of horses for meat. More than 25,000 are slaughtered annually. The meat is frozen and exported, mainly to Japan, France and the U.S.

Who still eats horse meat?

In many other nations, however, eating horse meat is no big deal – and in some cultures, it’s even considered a delicacy. Mexico, Switzerland, Kazakhstan, Belgium, Japan, Germany, Indonesia, Poland and China are among the nations where many people eat horse meat without a second thought.

Why does Canada kill horses?

Horses are slaughtered in Canada primarily to provide horse meat to European and Asian countries. Horses are brought to slaughter in every possible condition—old, young, sick, healthy, injured, and even pregnant.

What are killer horses worth?

The kill pen brokers scour the auctions and internet looking for horses to fill a weekly quota they receive from processing plants in Mexico and Canada. Horses are sold at action by the pound. In general, the average horse sells for about $400-$500.

What is horse meat called in Canada?


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