What does ICE mean on a Jacuzzi hot tub?

What does ICE mean on a Jacuzzi hot tub?

ICE. This only occurs when spa is in Economy mode and stands for “Ice;” means the system has detected a potential condition for freezing and will cause the system to implement freeze protection. No action is needed. Jet pumps 1 and the heater activate automatically to bring the temp to 15°F (8°C) of the settemps.

How do you reset a Jacuzzi hot tub?

How do you reset a Jacuzzi hot tub?

  1. Press and hold the Jets pump 1 and Cooler (-) button at the same time for 3 seconds.
  2. Press the Warmer (+) button until the display shows “0”.
  3. If the timer has reached “0”, pressing the Jets pump 1 button will reset the counter.

How do I reset the high limit switch on a Jacuzzi hot tub?

The High Limit Switch Needs to Be Reset or Replaced Occasionally, the high limit switch will trip when you’re filling your spa. Or it might need a reset from time to time for no known or serious reason. Simply reset by pressing the big red button on your spa pack. The high limit switch may be housed in a thermowell.

How do I fix the FL2 code on my Jacuzzi?

FL1/FL2. This code means any of the following: the flow switch is malfunctioning open (FL1) or closed (FL2), the filter cartridge needs to be changed or cleaned, or there is an “air lock” condition at the circulation pump intake.

Why does hot tub say Flo?

If your tub is displaying this message it simply means that there is an issue with water flow. The most common reasons for the FLO error message are dirty filters, a low water level, clogged circulation pumps or bad sensors. The first thing you should do is check your tub’s water level.

How do you fix LF error on a hot tub?

For the error messages of HFL, LF, Dr, or DRY. This means that there is a flow issue through your heater. Try and clean your filters. While cleaning your filter make sure there is no debris in your hot tub that will get sucked down into your pump.

What does F4 mean on a hot tub?

The Big List of Spa and Hot Tub Error Codes

F4 8 hours daily filtration; system message, not an error
F6 12 hours daily filtration; system message, not an error
F Fahrenheit, used to indicate panel is in Fahrenheit mode
FB-ER Fiber optic error; accent lighting

Why does my hot tub say error?

Some of the most common hot tub error codes are FLO, FL1 or FL2, and are picked up by flow or pressure switches. The most common causes for this are a dirty or damaged filter, low water levels, air in the pipework or a faulty pump or sensor..

What does ho mean on hot tub?

OH, OHH or OHS (overheat) all mean that a temperature sensor has detected unsafe water temperatures of 108° – 118° F, and your spa is in an emergency cool down mode. The heater is shut off, and the circulation pumps and blower are turned on to help dissipate heat.

How do you fix an e2 error on a hot tub?

Run the spa with the heating and filtration system. If the E02 error code disappears for 2 to 3 hours, the issue is caused by the filter housing black membrane being perished or twisted. This filter housing will need to be replaced if this is the case.

How do you reset a strong spa?

Reset the GFCI breaker by switching the breaker to the full OFF position, wait a moment, then turn the breaker back on. The spa should have power again.

How long does it take a strong spa to heat up?

It can take anywhere from 3 to 8 hours for hot tubs to reach the desired temperature. Factors include the capacity of the tub, ambient air temperature, and the temperature of the water from the hose. On average, most hot tubs will take about 4 hours to reach 100 degrees.

How do you start a strong spa?

Fill & Start your Strong Spa in 9 easy steps.

  1. Prepare Your Foundation. Place the spa on an approved surface and have it properly wired by a licensed electrician.
  2. Remove Exterior Panels.
  3. Check the Unions.
  4. Open the Gate Valves.
  5. Remove the Filters.
  6. Fill Your Spa.
  7. Power on the GFCI.
  8. Check the Pumps.

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