Why do you want to work in this hotel best answer?

Why do you want to work in this hotel best answer?

Hospitality, multi tasking, positive attitude. I am liking to work in the customer satisfactions. I want to join this industry because I am very passionate about my dreams and I want to experience my dreams in reality and I want to be a good professional in this industry!

Why did you want to work in this hotel?

Transferable skills It’s called hospitality for a reason. You’re there to serve, and a great customer-focussed service attitude can take you far in any career you choose. The best-run hotels are also big on teamwork and good communication, which are also top-dollar skills in almost every other sector.

Why did you choose this job answer?

My present job has shown me the path to move and attain what has been my long-term career objective. I have acquired necessary skills to some extent as well as have got accustomed to the corporate way of working. This is the best answer I can think of to your question ‘Why do you want this job’.”

Why one should choose your hotel?

The more potential guests who notice your hotel’s style, amenities, and offerings that are in line with their needs and wants = the more bookings your hotel will have = more revenue. Typically the most important reason people choose hotels is location.

How do I choose a good hotel?

9 Tips for Picking a Good Hotel Online

  1. Know what is most important to you.
  2. Know the Holy Grail of amenities.
  3. Check the hotel’s website.
  4. Look at a map to determine a hotel’s exact location.
  5. Find out when both the rooms and public spaces were last updated.
  6. Focus on guest reviews published within the last year.

Can you choose your hotel room?

“The front desk agents are the ones who choose a room for you when you check in, choosing from the available inventory. If you call beforehand, you can talk to a front desk clerk and ask about the best rooms, like corner rooms, a room on a higher floor, away from the elevators and ice machines.”

How do I choose a luxury hotel?

Read on to find out how to choose the perfect luxury hotel for you!

  1. Budget. Budget is often the determining factor in choosing the right hotel for you especially as it’ll take a huge chunk out of your holiday spending.
  2. Location. The next step is determining the location of your hotel.
  3. Style.
  4. Amenities.
  5. Quality Control.

What criteria did you make in choosing the hotel?

These are their findings in regards to criteria for choosing a hotel:

  • Value for money.
  • Location (proximity.)
  • Local experience (neighborhood.)
  • Accommodation type.
  • Accommodation details.
  • Ease and reliability of booking.

Why do people not like staying in hotel?

Why do some people not like staying in hotels? Well, there are quite many reasons for this. In my view, the most common reason is the noisy atmosphere. Noises from guests in the next room or footsteps in the hallway can drive people crazy, especially introverts.

Why people dont like to stay in hotels?

Here are four things people dislike about hotels and what to do about it. Noisy environment. Hearing your neighbor through the wall, the icemaker in the hallway, water move through plumbing, footsteps above, or the highway outside your window are just some of the things that can make you crazy when trying to sleep.

Do you often stay in hotels Why Why not?

Yes. Explanation: Yes, I often stay in hotels. These hotels are sometimes five star and sometimes merely has dorm-like rooms.

What can influence people’s choices of hotels ielts?

What influences people’s choice of hotels? I think many factors influence people’s choices. The two main factors are the price of the rooms and the amenities available like air conditioning, TV, locker and so on. Internet ratings and reviews are also a major consideration nowadays.

How useful will English be to you in your future?

How useful will English be for your future? [Why?/Why not?] Besides studies, English will surely help me communicate with people from other countries in my personal and professional life. Finally, knowing this language will help me read many books which are written only in English.

How can you avoid the culture of consumerism ielts?

Q. How possible is it to avoid the culture of consumerism? Answer: In my humble opinion, in this age of international trade and commerce, it is almost difficult to avoid the culture of consumerism because we have become so much used to the luxury and comfort of life.

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