Can you put your kid on house arrest?

Can you put your kid on house arrest?

House arrest is something that a judge can order when someone is charged with a crime and is out on bail. You cannot put anyone on house arrest. As a parent, you have authority to set rules and punishments for your children.

What is the youngest age to go to juvenile hall?

Ten (10) is the minimal age for secure detention of a juvenile unless it is a capital offense. Must be at least thirteen (13) years of age in order to be declared as a JSO. The age of 18 triggers adult court jurisdiction.

At what age can a child be prosecuted?

Children between 10 and 17 can be arrested and taken to court if they commit a crime.

Can a 10 year old go to juvie?

There is no minimum age to be sent to juvenile court if you are charged with a crime. Children as young as 6 years old have been sent to juvenile court and accused of being a delinquent.

Is it illegal to disrespect your parents?

By law your parents have full authority to impose rules, expect obedience and punish you for violation or refusal. There are certain exceptions. Things that would cause you or another harm, illegal acts, etc. but generally speaking you do not have any legal rights to disobey.

Can you go to juvie for being disrespectful?

A child cannot be found incorrigible for disobeying illegal orders such as those that force the child to commit a crime or submit to being abused or hurt. Commands that violate the child’s rights, such as his or her religious freedom, are also unlawful.

How long can you be in juvie?

There is no typical juvenile sentence for someone who is found guilty of a juvenile crime. A juvenile sentence can range from several hours of community service to two weeks in a non-secure juvenile detention facility to years in a secure juvenile detention facility followed by years in a state or federal prison.

Do they cut your hair in juvie?

The Department will cut a youth’s hair that presents health, safety, or security concerns. I. When a youth’s appearance changes, including a significant change in their hairstyle or length, an updated photograph of the youth will be taken (see DJJ 17.1, Admission to a Secure Facility).

Who is the longest person in jail?

Paul Geidel (April 21, 1894 – May 1, 1987) Until someone else breaks his record, Paul Geidel currently holds the record for longest prison sentence served in the United States and was even put into the Guinness Book or World Records.

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