What is the definition of uneven?

What is the definition of uneven?

English Language Learners Definition of uneven : not level, flat, or smooth. : not straight or parallel. : not following a regular pattern : not the same in all parts or at all times.

What does Erleaps mean?

The Prince of Cumberland

What is the opposite of uneven?

uneven. Antonyms: even, flat, horizontal, level, plain, plane. Synonyms: broken, hilly, inclined, irregular, rolling, rough, rugged, slanting, sloping.

What does uneven ground mean?

1 (of a surface, etc.) not level or flat. 2 spasmodic or variable. 3 not parallel, straight, or horizontal.

What is the meaning of uneven road?

Uneven is the opposite of uniform and predictable. If the road is uneven, it’s bumpy and rough, and you’ll have to dodge the potholes.

What is meant by girl?

1a : a female child from birth to adulthood. b : daughter. c : a young woman. d sometimes offensive : a single or married woman of any age.

What was the original meaning of girl?

The English word girl first appeared during the Middle Ages between 1250 and 1300 CE and came from the Anglo-Saxon word gerle (also spelled girle or gurle). Until the late 1400s, the word meant a child of either sex. Girl has meant any young unmarried woman since about 1530.

Why is a boy called a boy?

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a boy is “a male child from birth to adulthood”. The word “boy” comes from Middle English boi, boye (“boy, servant”), related to other Germanic words for boy, namely East Frisian boi (“boy, young man”) and West Frisian boai (“boy”).

What did girl use to mean?

The word started cropping up in English texts in the 13th century, used to refer to a young person, but not necessarily a female child. “Gay girls” referred to young women, while “knave girls” referred to young men, until around the 16th century, when “girl” evolved to mean young women in particular.

Who made the word girl?

Dorothea Gillim

Is Word Girl an educational?

WordGirl enriches young audiences’ vocabulary, closes the gap for those who don’t grow up in language-rich environments, instills a love of language, and fosters better reading comprehension. The following goals serve as a model for harnessing the educational opportunities a program such as WordGirl offers.

When was the word woman invented?

The early Old English (OE) wif – from the Proto-Germanic wibam, “woman” – originally denoted a female, and later became the Middle English (ME) wif, wiif, wyf. By 1175 it was starting to be used to mean a married female, with the two meanings coexisting until the late 16th century.

When was WordGirl created?

3 September 2007

How many seasons does word girl have?


What is the last episode of WordGirl?

Rhyme and Reason, Part 1; Rhyme and Reason, Part 2

When was WordGirl Cancelled?

7 August 2015

When did Super Why come out?

How many episodes of WordGirl are there?


When did Martha Speaks come out?

1 September 2008

Is Martha Speaks a girl or boy?

Martha is a talking Labrador mix that was born an energetic stray and was put in the dog pound as a puppy. She gained the ability to talk after Helen gave her a bowl of alphabet soup; the letters in the soup went to her brain instead of her stomach.

What was the last episode of Martha Speaks?

Martha’s Holiday Surprise; We’re Powerless!

When was the last episode of Martha Speaks?

18 November 2014

Who wrote Martha?

Susan Meddaugh

What channel was Martha Speaks on?


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