Can you hang an African violet?

Can you hang an African violet?

Hanging HousePlants: Some varieties of African Violets make great hanging

What is a trailing violet?

Trailers are African violets that naturally branch and spread. Grow them either as hanging baskets or in shallow pots as ground covers. Feel free to pinch or prune, it will only encourage even more dense, lush, growth.

How do you propagate trailing violets?

When a trailing violet gets leggy, she suggests taking a large crown cutting. A long, trailing stem can be chopped into several individual cuttings. For a fuller effect, combine several rooted cuttings in a pot, unless growing for show. Trailers grown for show must be single plants with a minimum of three crowns.

How do you care for hanging violets?

African violets like to be evenly moist. They prefer not to dry out and should never sit for days in a saucer of water. The soil should be kept damp but not soggy. If the pot seems light when held in your hand, it is probably time to water.

What does the name Violet mean spiritually?

Violet, from the name of the flower (Old French ‘violette’. It is a biblical name derived from yahweh ‘name of God’ ; chanan which means ‘to be gracious’. Late Latin ‘violetta’. Violet flowers symbolize delicate love, affection, modesty, faith, nobility, intuition and dignity.

Does Violet mean love?

Violets are most commonly associated with love – and if you’ve ever seen a violet, that probably makes a ton of sense. Therefore, violets can also be associated with growth, expansion, and peace. They are often viewed as symbols of mental clarity.

What does violet mean in the Bible?

sovereignty of Christ

Is Violet a rare name?

As with other such names, its popularity has varied dramatically over time. Flower names were commonly used from about 1880 through about 1910 in the United States, with usage dropping throughout the next 80 years or so; Violet was the 88th most frequent girls’ given name in 1900, dropping below position 1000 by 1960.

Is Violet a nice name?

Violet is soft and sweet but far from shrinking. The Victorian Violet, one of the prettiest of the color and flower names, was chosen by high-profile parents Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck, definitely a factor in its rapid climb to popularity. Violet cracked into the Top 50 for the first time ever in 2015.

What is a nickname for Violet?

Vi, Violetta, Viva, Vivi, Viola, Vio-Latte, Ultra-Violet, Viley, Purple, Flower, Violence, Vanilla Bean….Pronounce Names.

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Video: Full Screen YouTube
Type of Name: First Name

What middle names go with Violet?

It’s a great starting point, and I am sure you will find some great middle names to go with Violet!

  • Violet Alexandra.
  • Violet Anne.
  • Violet Anneliese.
  • Violet Audrey.
  • Violet Belle.
  • Violet Beth.
  • Violet Brynn.
  • Violet Carson.

Is Violet a biblical name?

Violet is a christian girl name and it is an English originated name with multiple meanings.

Is Violet too popular name?

Yes, it’s becoming very popular, as is all flower names.

Is Violet an Irish name?

The recording of first names can vary from record to record, e.g. Elizabeth or Lizzie, Patrick or Pat….List of common First Name variations.

Veronica Vera, Vere
Violet Viola

Is Violet an old name?

Origin of the name Violet: From the Old French violette, a diminutive form of viole, which is derived from the Latin viola (a violet). The name has been in use since the Middle Ages but did not become common until the middle of the 19th century when the use of flower names came into vogue.

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