Do African violets grow big?

Do African violets grow big?

African violets are typically classified by size, based on how wide they grow: Miniature: less than 8 inches across. Standard: 8–16 inches across. Large: more than 16 inches across.

Why is my African violet tall?

African violets’ bottom leaves will turn yellow and eventually fall off the plant, leaving other stems bare. This is a natural part of plant aging, plants lose the rosette of leaves at the base. This too can give the plant a leggy look.

What makes African violets leggy?

African Violet plants become leggy when the light they receive is too low. The stems start growing longer in size and growing upwards as if they are reaching for the light.

Should you trim African violets?

When you cut back an African violet, the goal is simply to remove dead or damaged leaves and spent flowers. It is strictly a beauty regimen that also allows new growth to access more light and air. You can cut back an African violet at any time of the year, unlike the pruning rules on many other types of plants.

Do I deadhead African violets?

Deadhead African violets to encourage more blooms. African violets make useful flowering houseplants since they can bloom for up to nine months per year. They do need the other three months off as a rest period.

Is it hard to grow African violets?

Unlike most houseplants, the flowers are the stars of the show with African violets. Though these fuzzy blooming houseplants have a reputation for being finicky, they’re actually not difficult to grow once you know how to follow some basic rules for their care.

Are African violets from Africa?

African violets (Saintpaulia ionantha) are native to rainforests in the mountains of eastern African countries like Tanzania. They are low-growing plants, thriving in the shade of other vegetation.

What is special about African violets?

African violets are perhaps the most popular flowering houseplants grown in the world today. There are many reasons for this: The plants generally flower the year round, giving an almost continuous display of blooms. They require the same temperatures humans find comfortable, making them easy to raise in our homes.

Do African violets smell?

One thing violets are known most for is the fact that they have a lovely scent that seems to go away after just one sniff. That’s because the flowers contain a chemical called ionine which desensitizes the nose and sense of smell temporarily. Violet flowers have almost no smell.

Do African violets clean the air?

They absorb benzene and are touted as the top plant for ridding the air of the most common indoor pollutant, formaldehyde. Nontoxic to pets, African violets top nearly every list of edible flowers. They require bright light, and prefer warmer temps.

Do violets have a smell?

One thing violets are known most for is the fact that they have a lovely scent that seems to go away after just one sniff. That’s because the flowers contain a chemical called ionine which desensitizes the nose and sense of smell temporarily.

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