Why is my African violet not flowering?
The most common reason African violets don’t bloom is because they aren’t getting enough light. African violets need indirect sunlight, direct can burn the leaves. Choose a north- or east- facing window for best results. Keep plants away from cold glass and rotate the pot once a week so all leaves receive light.
Can you self pollinate African violets?
A-Yes, all you need are two different African violets in bloom at the same time. To initiate the cross, use tiny manicure scissors to clip open one of the yellow pollen sacs in the center of a fully open flower. African violets having single flowers are more easily pollinated.
Do African violets need to be root bound to flower?
African violets prefer to be root-bound to bloom well. It is good practice to periodically repot houseplants because the soil should be refreshed periodically. You can often repot the plant into the same pot after cleaning it well, using fresh potting mix.
How long do blooms last on African violets?
Individual blooms can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Varieties producing thicker petals and those with green in the bloom tend to last longer. Blooms will last longer under moderate to high humidity with cooler temperatures (say 60-75f degrees).
How often does a African violet bloom?
How Often Do African Violets Bloom? One of the reasons African violets are so well-loved is that they can bloom nearly year-round with the right care. Each healthy flower will last two or three weeks. A happy plant can continue producing new blossoms regularly for 10 to 12 months out of the year.
How often should I fertilize African violets?
every 4 to 6 weeks
Do African violets need to be watered from the bottom?
Should I water African violets from the top or bottom? Either is fine. It is important not to use cold water; lukewarm or warm is preferred. If you water from the top, be careful not to get water on the leaves when the plant is in the sun; this is to avoid leaf spots.
Can African violets grow in water?
Propagating African Violets in Water If you’re wondering, “Can I propagate an African violet in water?”—the answer is YES! In fact, it’s quite simple. Fill a wide-mouthed container with lukewarm water.
Why do African violet leaves get limp?
If your African Violet plant has been over-watered, the soil will retain too much water. The roots absorb so much water, that they can no longer hold onto so much water and eventually rot. This will cause the leaves to turn soft, limp or mushy.