What is the moral lesson in the story of how my brother Leon brought home a wife?
Moral Lesson The central more of the story is the ability to sacrifice things for people you love. She was also loving and caring towards his family, becoming a part of the family seamlessly.
How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife summary and reflection?
‘How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife’ is that one must preserve, even through certain sacrifices, in order to reach one’s goal. The entire story serves as a test for the wife. Each test was to show whether the woman could indeed live with strangers all for love.
How my brother brought home a wife do you think Leon’s father was able to accept Maria as his son’s wife?
Because it is his city name. When they reached the house of Leon, his father didn’t welcome them, but Baldo and his father had a little conversation about their way home. According to my research, Leon’s father accepted Maria and it is a good thing even if her life is different from theirs.
How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife main conflict?
The main conflict is Leon’s father, he doubt that Maria can can live in a province where Leon-her soon to be husband live, because she grew up in a city.
Why do you think Baldo likened the smell of Maria to a papaya in bloom?
Baldo thought that Maria was beautiful with her long unpainted nails and her dimple high on her right cheek. He also liked how her fragrance was like a morning when papayas are in bloom. He also found her smile lovely because her teeth were very white, and her eyes were so full of laughter.
What is the author’s purpose in his story how my brother Leon?
Explanation: This story written by Manuel Arguilla, it show how Maria love Noel. Even in a simple way we can show our love to other people or to someone you really love most. We know that nowadays, the best thing to prove that we love that person is to introduce his/her in our family.
What is the difference between WAIG and Camino Real?
Camino Real – a main highway. Waig – stream, a body of water (in ilocano). Yonder – the far distance. Bole – trunk of a tree.
What instruction did the father give to Baldo?
Answer: Baldo, you fool, answer me before I lay the rope of Labang on you. Why do you follow the Waig instead of the camino real?” His fingers bit into my shoulder. “Father, he told me to follow the Waig tonight, Manong.” Swiftly, his hand fell away from my shoulder and he reached for the rope of Labang.