What is the significance of the Hubble Space Telescope?

What is the significance of the Hubble Space Telescope?

The telescope has helped scientists understand how planets and galaxies form. Galaxies contain billions of stars. A picture called “Hubble Ultra Deep Field” shows some of the farthest galaxies ever seen. Pictures from Hubble help scientists learn more about the whole universe.

Where is the Hubble Space Telescope positioned and what does it do?

The Hubble Space Telescope orbits 547 kilometres (340 miles) above Earth and travels 8km (5 miles) every second. Inclined 28.5 degrees to the equator, it orbits the Earth once every 97 minutes. It’s possible to track the Hubble Space Telescope’s location in real-time here.

Why is the Hubble Space Telescope in space instead of on the ground?

Why is the Hubble Space Telescope in space instead of on the ground? It observes in the UV and it avoids atmospheric distortion. the resolution is dramatically increased. many objects close together, very distant objects, and small features of an object.

Can we see Hubble from Earth?

Hubble is best seen from areas of the Earth that are between the latitudes of 28.5 degrees north and 28.5 degrees south. This is because Hubble’s orbit is inclined to the equator at 28.5 degrees. In contrast, the ISS passes over much more of the Earth because its orbit has a higher inclination at 51.6 degrees.

Who built the first space telescope?

From the dawn of humankind to a mere 400 years ago, all that we knew about our universe came through observations with the naked eye. Then Galileo turned his telescope toward the heavens in 1610.

What are 3 disadvantages of refractor telescopes?


  • Very high initial cost relative to reflector.
  • A certain amount of secondary spectrum (chromatic aberration) unavoidable (reflector completely free of this) The colours cannot focus at one point.
  • Long focal ratios can mean that the instrument is cumbersome.

What type of telescope is best for viewing planets?

Both refractor and reflector telescopes are best for viewing planets. A good quality telescope with an aperture of 3.5” to 6” will give a beginner great views.

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