What is the advantage of using space-based instruments over earth based?

What is the advantage of using space-based instruments over earth based?

Do not contend with the effects of Earth’s atmosphere, which include scattered light and atmospheric absorption, both of which reduce the flux measured from a NEO on the ground, and atmospheric emission, which can blind a telescope to a NEO in the infrared.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Hubble Space Telescope?

8 Advantages and Disadvantages of Hubble Space Telescope

  • The earth’s atmosphere. The first advantage?
  • The detail is absolutely extraordinary.
  • It points to the potential of the space program.
  • Operating in space.
  • Time consuming.
  • Expensive.
  • Repairs are difficult.
  • Out of date.

What is the biggest advantage to having a telescope in space?

The main reason we put telescopes into space is to get around the Earth’s atmosphere so that we can get a clearer view of the planets, stars, and galaxies that we are studying. Our atmosphere acts like a protective blanket letting only some light through while blocking others.

What can telescopes in space see that we Cannot spot on Earth?

In space, however, telescopes are able to geta clearer shot of everything from exploding stars to other galaxies. Another disadvantage for ground-basedtelescopes is that the Earth’s atmosphere absorbs much of the infrared andultraviolet light that passes through it. Space telescopes can detect thesewaves.

What are two key advantages of space telescopes?

Space-based telescopes like Hubble get a much clearer view of the universe than most of their ground-based counterparts. They’re also able to detect frequencies and wavelengths across the entire electromagnetic spectrum.

What problems do earth based telescopes encounter?

Because of the protective effect of the atmosphere, ground-based telescopes can’t pick up the lethal, invisible portions of the electromagnetic spectrum such as ultraviolet rays, x-rays and gamma rays. These parts of the spectrum help astronomers extract better pictures of stars and other space phenomena.

Is the atmosphere good or bad for astronomers trying to use telescopes?

In order to maximize the usefulness of telescopes, astronomers build them on top of the highest mountains in the world (for example, Mauna Kea in Hawaii). At these heights, you are above a good fraction of the atmosphere, and the seeing is better than at sea level.

What is the most important function of a telescope?

Functions of a Telescope: Most people would say that the main function of a telescope is to make things look larger. But in fact, the most important function is to make things look brighter! This is called its light-gathering power.

Why do we need space telescopes?

Telescopes are placed into orbit around the Earth or are sent farther out into space to get a clearer view of the Universe. There are many different types of space telescopes. Some are used to study a special object like the Sun. Others are used to study the different types of light given off by objects in space.

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