What is the main theme of when your old poem?

What is the main theme of when your old poem?

Major Themes in “When You Are Old”: Love, rejection and time are the major themes of this poem. To express pure love, the poet invites her to have a glance at the time when she will be old and will not be surrounded by fake lovers.

When you are old last stanza meaning?

After an initial read, many see this poem as one that is filled with love, but the last stanza is dark; the speaker is reminding his former mistress that their love did not last, and this is something she should regret for the rest of her life.

When you are old 2nd PUC summary?

‘When You Are Old’ is a short love poem in which the poet uses a time frame in which the speaker addresses his lady love in the present, takes her to an unreal condition in the future, and asks her to recall her past memories. He does so, in order to persuade her or warn her not to ignore him and make a wrong decision.

What is the tone of the poem when you are old?

The tone is cautionary – the’ voice’ in the poem is giving a warning to the person addressed that, because she has rejected the person who truly loves her, she may suffer a lonely old age.

What is a pilgrim soul?

A pilgrim soul might mean a part of you that wants to travel, or it may mean that your personality changes over time. There is one man who loves that part of you. It’s from a poem, so the meaning is not really clear, and its not at all a common expression.

What is the meaning of pilgrim soul in when you are old?

The phrase “pilgrim soul” may refer to Gonne’s independent frame of mind, or perhaps her support for freedom and Irish nationalism. In any case, it is something unique to her in Yeats’ mind and separate from the more transient qualities of her beauty. The third stanza seems packed with meaning and power.

What does when your old and GREY mean?

Lines 1-2. When you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire, take down this book, The first line asks the addressee—and by extension the reader—to think beyond the present moment and imagine the future. This is a time when the addressee will be “old,” “grey,” and sleepy.

Who are the most famous poets of all time?

Poetic artists such as William Wordsworth, Langston Hughes, Shel Silverstein, Emily Dickinson, William Shakespeare, Pablo Neruda, Oscar Wilde, Rabindranath Tagore, and many more have left lasting “fingerprints,” and their works have been remembered by today’s readers.

What are the major symbols of Yeats poetry?

THE MAJOR SYMBOLS: W. B. Yeats used a number of symbols in his poetry. Among these symbols the major symbols are- the rose, the tower, the gyre, the wheel, the sword, the sea, the bird, the tree, the sun, the moon, the gold, the silver, the earth, the water, the air and the fire.

What are symbols in a poem?

A symbol is a person, object, place, event, or action that suggests more than its literal meaning. Whereas conventional symbols are used in poetry to convey tone and meaning, contextual or literary symbols reflect the internal state of mind of the speaker as revealed through the images.

What does a gyre symbolize?

A gyre, according to Yeats, represented “the precise movement” of the human mind, according to the introduction to his 1921 publication The Second Coming. The word “gyre” therefore refers to the spiral motion of the falcon as it flies.

What is metaphor poem?

A metaphor is a figure of speech that describes an object or action in a way that isn’t literally true, but helps explain an idea or make a comparison. Metaphors are used in poetry, literature, and anytime someone wants to add some color to their language.

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