Which caste comes under SC ST?

Which caste comes under SC ST?

List of Scheduled Castes

Official name as SC Dates States where have SC status
Lalbegi 1950 designated Assam (1950)
Balmiki 1950 designated Punjab (1950)
Bangali 1950 designated Punjab (1950)
Barar, Burar, Berar 1950 designated Punjab (1950)

Which are the scheduled castes in Kerala?


  • Adiyan.
  • Aranda (Arandan)
  • Eravallan.
  • Hill Pulaya(Mala Pulayan, Kurumba Pulayan, Karavazhi Pulayan, Pamba Pulayan)
  • Irular,Irulan.
  • Kadar (Wayanad Kadar)
  • Kanikkaran,Kanikar.
  • Karimpalan.

Which caste is highest in Kerala?

The Nambudhri Brahmins were top of the caste hierarchy and the Pulayar were at the lowest. According to most travelers, the Nairs were placed below the kings and the Brahmins in Caste hierarchy.

Is Nair a low caste?

They are a low caste who became powerful by being loyal to brahmins. They are a low caste who became powerful by being loyal to brahmins. TLDR: Kerala did not have the usual four caste caste system. There was influx of lot of Brahmins to Kerala from North around 8th century.

Is Nair a backward caste?

Leaders representing Mukhari/Muvari and Nair communities in the State on Tuesday urged the Karnataka State Permanent Backward Classes Commission to include them in the backward classes’ list to improve their social and economic conditions.

Why are nairs fair skinned?

Though Nairs are Naga Scythians and Namboothiris are Aryans they might have acquired some Dravidian blood from the natives in the last 1200 yrs. What makes Nairs Nairs is their Scythian blood which gives them fair complexion and sharp features.

Is Nair and Pillai same?

Malayali Pillais are not Brahmins, they are part of the Nair community. Pillai is a title in Travancore (South Kerala) such as Menon, Kartha, Panikkar, etc. , in Central Kerala and Malabar areas among the Nair community.

Is Menon higher than Nair?

Menon is a surname of the Nair community of Kerala, India, and was an honorific hereditary title, often used as an affix to one’s name, bestowed by the various kings of Kerala (including the Zamorin) to the members of Swaroopathil subcaste of Nairs. Thus the children of such Maharajahs held the Menon title.

Is Pillai low caste?

Pillai, meaning Prince, is a title of nobility which can either refer to a ruling chief, members of the nobility, or junior princes of the royal family historically ranked immediately below the king. From the early period, the title also used by upper class / sub caste, services military or political, of Nair origin.

Is Yadav a Pillai?

Pillai, Pillay, Pulle, Pilli or Pillaimar (, ) is an upper caste title used by land-owning castes of Tamil- and Malayalam-speaking people of India, Sri Lanka and others living in Singapore, Malaysia, South Africa and Fiji, mostly from the Vellalar community in Tamil Nadu, Sri Lanka and Nair community in Kerala.

Is Yadav a low caste?

Classification. The Yadavs are included in the Other Backward Classes (OBCs) category in the Indian states of Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Haryana, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal.

Who is the God of Yadav?

The Supreme Being in His form as Sri Krishna appeared in Yadu Vamsha (Yadav of Kshatriya Chandra or Som Vamsha lineage) on this planet 5,000 years ago and performed His pastimes for 125 years before returning to His spiritual abode.

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