Which caste is Sarma?
Sharma is a Brahmin Hindu surname in India and Nepal. The Sanskrit stem ṣárman- (nom. sarma) can mean ‘joyfulness’, ‘comfort’, ‘happiness’. Sarma is an alternative English spelling of the name.
What nationality is Sarma?
Is Singh a Brahmin?
Bhumihars, who originally used Brahmin surnames, also started affixing Singh to their names. In Bihar and Jharkhand, the surname came to associated with power and authority, and was adopted by people of multiple castes, including Brahmin zamindars. The surname ‘Singh’ is used by many caste groups in Bihar.
Is Solanki a Rajput?
The Solankis, earlier known as Chalukyas, are a Rajput clan that ruled in Rajasthan, Gujarat, and Uttar Pradesh. They consider themselves one of the Agnikulas or Fire Tribes.
What caste is Rajput surname?
The Rajputs are a large Hindu caste which falls within the Kshatriya group (the warrior castes): the second group in the Varna system. They comprise numerous clans which vary in status ranging from princely lineages to agricultural workers.
Is Rajput a surname?
A Rajput (from Sanskrit raja-putra, “son of a king”) is a member of one of the patrilineal clans of western, central, northern India and some parts of Pakistan. They claim to be descendants of ruling Hindu warrior classes of North India. Rajputs rose to prominence during the 6th to 12th centuries.
Is Gehlot a Rajput?
Gahlot is a clan of Jats and Rajputs. The variations of the name include Gehlot, Guhila, Gohil or Guhilot.
What is Tomar caste?
Tomar (also called/spelled Tomara) is a clan, some members of which ruled parts of North India at different times. People belonging to the Tomara clan are found among the Rajputs, Jats and Gurjars of northern India.
Which caste is kushwaha?
Classification as Backward Caste In Bihar they are categorized as Other Backward Class. The various subcastes of Kushwaha community viz Kachhi, Shakya and Koeri are categorized as OBC in Uttar Pradesh also.