What do hydrology engineers do?

What do hydrology engineers do?

Hydrology engineers, or hydrologists, are usually civil or environmental engineers who specialize in projects that involve using and/or controlling water, as well as water quality. They may focus on water in watersheds, floodplains and reservoirs.

What is hydrogeology in civil engineering?

At its most basic definition, hydrology is the scientific study of movement, distribution and water quality on Earth and other planets, including the water cycle, water resources, and environmental watershed sustainability. …

What is a groundwater engineer?

Groundwater engineering, another name for hydrogeology, is a branch of engineering which is concerned with groundwater movement and design of wells, pumps, and drains. The main concerns in groundwater engineering include groundwater contamination, conservation of supplies, and water quality.

What are the branches of hydrology?

The branches of Hydrology include: Hydrogeology, Chemical hydrology, Ecohydrology, Hydroinformatics, Isotope hydrology, Surface hydrology, Hydrometeorology, Drainage basin management and Water quality. Surface Hydrology or Surface-water hydrology is a branch of Hydrology.

What are the causes of Hydrology?

Hydrologic change derives from a range of drivers that cause stresses and change in hydrologic systems and the water cycle generally. Direct stressors on hydrologic systems include widespread land-cover change, urbanization, industrialization, and significant engineering interventions.

How does hydrology affect a site’s design?

Hydrology helps assess all possible conditions of a proposed development during multiple environmental scenarios. Hydraulics is then used to design appropriate systems to mitigate any changes from the site’s pre-development state.

How much money does a hydrologist make?

The average salary for a hydrologist in California is around $95,290 per year.

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