What does high blood pressure mean in a teenager?
High blood pressure, or hypertension, is when the force of the blood pushing on the blood vessel walls is too high. When someone has high blood pressure: The heart has to pump harder. The arteries (blood vessels that carry the blood away from the heart) are under greater strain as they carry blood.
Why does my 16 year old have high blood pressure?
Older children can develop high blood pressure for the same reasons adults do — excess weight, poor nutrition and lack of exercise. Lifestyle changes, such as eating a heart-healthy diet and exercising more, can help reduce high blood pressure in children. But for some children, medications may be necessary.
Can a teenager have hypertension?
It was once believed that high blood pressure in teens was largely related to an underlying problem with the heart or kidneys. But research shows this isn’t the case and that teens today are developing hypertension in approximately the same proportions as adults.
What should a 16 year olds blood pressure be?
A teenager may have an acceptable blood pressure of 110/70 mm Hg, but that value would be of concern in a toddler. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute has prepared a series of age- and gender-specific blood pressure measurement tables for children ages 3 through 17 years, based on percentiles.
What is the normal bp for a 15 year old?
Where boys were concerned an average blood pressure of 123.9/65.9 mmHg was found while, in girls, the average blood pressure was 117.6/70.9 mmHg. In cases with blood pressure readings over the 90% fractile, repeated measurements are recommended.
What should I do if my BP is 150 100?
As you can see from the paragraph above, if your blood pressure is significantly elevated (>150/100 mmHg) it is very unlikely that diet and lifestyle changes alone will be enough to bring your blood pressure in a range that will reduce your risk or heart attacks, strokes, or early death. You need medications.