How does oil get into the starter?
Typically, when you notice an oil-covered starter, the oil leak is coming from the engine’s rear main seal, which unfortunately is common, especially in older cars. The oil leaks, gets covered with dirt and road grime, then more oil builds up on top of it, which is what this starter picture represents.
Can oil leak from the starter?
Typically when a vehicle has an oil-soaked starter, the problem is a slow oil leak in the engine’s rear main seal. Most rear main seal leaks are caused by the drying, hardening and shrinking of the main seal, plus normal wear in the crankshaft and seal. Rear main seal leaks can start at just 60,000 to 80,000 miles.
Why is my Hyundai Santa Fe not starting?
While there are a variety of reasons your Hyundai Santa Fe won’t start, the most common 3 are a dead battery, an alternator problem, or failed starter.
How do you clean oil off starter?
Spray Simple Green or any citrus-based cleaner all over the engine (especially in the valley behind the cylinders) and let it sit for a half-hour or so to dissolve the oil then rinse off with water.
What does oil do to a starter?
Oil Soak: Your vehicle’s starter is typically located near the bottom of the engine leaving it vulnerable to soaking from leaks. When the starter becomes oil-soaked it will shorten its remaining life. It is important to have the leak corrected and the starter replaced before it begins to malfunction.
Can you oil a starter motor?
Yes, always on a new starter you should get a small brush and put a good layer of moly grease on the pinion. It’s not done during assembly simply as a way to save money because it won’t cause problems in the short term. This is simple common sense, they’re gears like any other that will benefit from lubrication.
How do you clean starter solenoid contacts?
How to Clean a Solenoid Starter
- Place the starter on a clean, flat surface.
- Remove the two bolts on the outer end of the starter using a wrench or socket and ratchet.
- Pull the starter apart into three sections.
- Clean each component carefully with the lubricant cleaner and an abrasive pad, light brush or rag.