What is meant by icing?

What is meant by icing?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : a sweet flavored usually creamy mixture used to coat baked goods (such as cupcakes) — called also frosting. 2 : something that adds to the interest, value, or appeal of an item or event —often used in the phrase icing on the cake.

What is icing in cake?

Icing is a thin, runny sugary liquid that hardens on cooling. Most commonly, icing is used to decorate Donuts and Cinnamon Rolls but it is also used on pound cakes like Lemon Pound Cake. The main ingredient while making icing is Sugar which is mixed with water, milk, or cream as per the recipe.

What is the icing on the cake in the mystery story?

something that makes a good situation even better: I was just content to see my daughter in such a stable relationship but a grandchild, that really was the icing on the cake.

What’s the meaning of cherry on the cake?

DEFINITIONS1. the final thing that makes something perfect. The fabulous weather on the day was the cherry on the cake.

How do you use cherry on top in a sentence?

The flourish that caps something off (much like a cherry tops off an ice cream sundae). Sometimes used in the phrase “pretty please with a cherry on top.” Today, I failed a test and lost out on the lead in the school play, but do you know what was the cherry on top? I got a ticket on my way home!

Is cherry on top synonym?

Synonyms for Cherry on top

  • icing on the cake.
  • cherry on the cake.
  • crux of the biscuit.
  • final flourish.
  • welcome addition. n.
  • desirable addition.
  • desirable feature.
  • inessential enhancement.

What does a cherry on top mean?

phrase. A desirable feature perceived as the finishing touch to something that is already very good. ‘the cherry on top is that they’re under $22 as well’

What’s a cherry on top?

So the “cherry on top” is the final touch that makes something as attractive as possible. If you say “Pretty please with a cherry on top”, it means you are trying to make your offer as attractive as possible.

What are the cherries on ice cream called?

Maraschino cherries are a popular topping for ice cream sundaes and used in certain cocktails or as garnishes for foods like glazed ham, parfaits, milkshakes, cakes, and pastries. They’re also often found in canned fruit mixes.

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