What is a 2 character State code?
Two–Letter State and Possession Abbreviations
State/Possession | Abbreviation |
Arizona | AZ |
Arkansas | AR |
California | CA |
Colorado | CO |
When did states get 2 letter abbreviations?
What US state abbreviation is MI?
What US state abbreviation is MD?
MD. Md. Md. Mar., Mary. Massachusetts.
Is Maryland a state in America?
Maryland, constituent state of the United States of America. One of the original 13 states, it lies at the centre of the Eastern Seaboard, amid the great commercial and population complex that stretches from Maine to Virginia.
How are state abbreviations determined?
The first rule is no two abbreviations can be the same. That’s simple enough. Third, take the first two letters of the state to make the abbreviation. Finally, if you have two states that would still end up with the same abbreviation, use the first and last letters.
When abbreviating states do you capitalize?
Because state names represent specific places, they are always capitalized. If they are paired with a specific city or town, the first letter of the city’s name will also be capitalized. A comma should come between a city and state to properly punctuate it.
Is there a comma between city and state abbreviation?
Punctuation. When punctuating state names, you should place a comma between the city and state, and another comma after the state name, unless the state name is ending the sentence or indicating a dateline. For example, (No comma after state abbreviation because it ends the sentence)
What state is Gu in the US?
Why is Pennsylvania PA and not PE?
The purpose of introducing the PA Abbreviation for Pennsylvania was to make room for ZIP codes in the mailing addresses. There was no attempt to standardize the format of the abbreviations which is why they are usually memorized. The AP State Abbreviations, the old State Abbreviations, are still in use.
What is Pennsylvania most known for?
Pennsylvania is known as the Keystone State for its role in building the foundations of the United States of America – it is here that the Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, and the Gettysburg Address were written.
What is the state bird of Pennsylvania?
Ruffed grouse