Who invented indirect rule in Nigeria?

Who invented indirect rule in Nigeria?

Frederick Lugard

Who invented indirect rule?

administrator Frederick Lugard

When did indirect rule started in Nigeria?

The system of indirect rule was first introduced in the Northern Nigeria around 1906 by Sir Lord Fredrick Lugard when he was a high commissioner of the protectorate of the Northern Nigeria.

Who supervised the implementation of indirect rule?

A Governor One of the features of Indirect Rule was the position of a Governor. He was the highest political figure in the colony. He was responsible for the formulation and implementation of policies in the colony.

What is indirect rule of law?

The indirect rule system was introduced into to Nigeria by L. shares. What is indirect rule? It is a system of administration used by the British colonial government to govern the people through the use of traditional rulers and traditional political institutions.

How did Britain use indirect rule in Africa?

British policy in Western Africa system subsequently institutionalized as “indirect rule.” Essentially, local government was to be left in the hands of the traditional chiefs, subject to the guidance of European officers.

How did Britain rule Africa?

The British pushed out the Boers, or the Dutch settlers, to take control of mineral-rich South Africa. During the Scramble for Africa, Britain became more aggressive, and at the Berlin Conference, Britain was granted control of southern and northeastern Africa. Britain used indirect rule to govern its African colonies.

How did Britain rule their African colonies?

The British employed various systems of governance in their African colonies. These were through the agency of (1) trading companies, (2) indirect rule, (3) the settler rule, and then the unique joint rule of the Sudan with the Egyptians known as the (4) condominium government. Trading Companies .

What is direct rule in Nigeria?

Direct rule is when an imperial or central power takes direct control over the legislature, executive and civil administration of an otherwise largely self-governing territory.

Why did Germany use the direct rule?

Direct rule was used because the Germans believed that it was the only system through which they could administer Tanganyika. They also believed the system would enable them effectively exploit and benefit from Tanganyika resources.

What are the disadvantages of indirect rule?


  • The system alienated educated Nigerians.
  • The system created unity between the local chiefs and the educated elites in the society.
  • It was undemocratic and authoritarian in nature.
  • The system encouraged separate development of the colony.

Was indirect rule successful?

The British complemented the traditional judicial system by establishing provincial courts. The provincial courts adjudicated cases that were beyond the ability or powers of the traditional courts. So this was one reason why indirect rule was relatively successful in Northern Nigeria.

What are the reasons for the adoption of indirect rule?

(i) Inadequate personnel: The British colonial administration did not have enough personnel to use direct administration. (ii) Insufficient funds to run direct rule was another reason. (iii) Existing organized political-administrative system in place encouraged the adoption of indirect rule.

Why did indirect rule failed in Nigeria?

Presence of educated elite in southern Nigeria They opposed the policies of the British if it was found to be detrimental to the interest of the local people. That is why the indirect rule did not succeed in southern Nigeria.

What is indirect rule system of government?

Indirect rule was the plan to use existing tribal structures and traditions as conduits for establishing rules and regulations while English officials worked behind the scenes and could exercise a veto power.

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