What does lightning bolt mean Tumblr?

What does lightning bolt mean Tumblr?

If you’ve subscribed to a blog, you’ll see a small lightning bolt next to the person-shaped icon when you view that blog. To stop notifications, tap or click the person-shaped icon again and tap “Stop notifications.” If you unfollow a blog, you will no longer be subscribed and notifications will stop.

What does the arrow on Tumblr mean?

Any post on the dashboard can be reblogged by click the reblog icon (two circular arrows). As with any other post on Tumblr, the reblogged post can be published immediately, saved as a draft or added to the queue.

How do you organize Tumblr posts?

How to Rearrange Your Tumblr

  1. Log in to your Tumblr account.
  2. Click on the name of your Tumblr blog next to the editing tools at the top of the page.
  3. Find the first post you want to rearrange and select “Edit.”
  4. Locate the date currently associated with the post in the “Date” box.
  5. Click “Save Changes.”

Is Tumblr Dead 2021?

Tumblr is certainly not dead. It has probably passed its peak in popularity as other social networking and blogging sites have taken market share away from it. But it remains a highly active site (#50 worldwide, #22 in the United States) and according to SimilarWeb, it attracts over 600 million users every month.

Is Tumblr still a thing 2020?

Yes, Tumblr is still Relevant in 2020.

Is Tumblr still dead?

Tumblr was once a place for young creators. But Tumblr is practically dead, and TikTok is very much alive. While a Tumblr spokesperson says that 48 percent of its current user base is Gen Z, it’s undeniable that the site’s total user numbers have dropped off in the past few years.

Who uses Tumblr 2020?

As of the third quarter of 2020, ten percent of U.S. internet users aged 15 to 25 years used the blogging platform Tumblr. Only three percent of internet users aged 56 years and older reported the same.

Is Tumblr popular in 2020?

As of January 2021, social network Tumblr had 327 million unique visitors worldwide, up from 347.5 million in January 2020….Combined desktop and mobile visits to Tumblr.com from May 2019 to January 2021 (in millions)

Characteristic Unique visitors in millions
2020-02 321.5
2020-01 347.5

Why did Tumblr lose a lot of users?

In March 2019, SimilarWeb estimated Tumblr had lost 30% of its user traffic since December 2018, when the site had introduced a stricter content policy with heavier restrictions on adult content (which had been a notable draw to the service).

Why is Tumblr bad?

Tumblr has been criticized for the overwhelming amount of pornographic material on the site. Tumblr allows sexually-explicit material to be posted to the site. Pornographic videos are not allowed to be posted directly to Tumblr but links to pornography are allowed.

What is Tumblr used for 2020?

Tumblr is a website and app where users can post images, videos, text, audio clips, quotes, and other types of content to their account. Users can also follow other users’ Tumblrs and share their content by reblogging it.

Which country uses Tumblr the most?

This statistic represents the regional distribution of Tumblr traffic in the last three months….Regional distribution of desktop traffic to Tumblr.com as of January 2021, by country.

Characteristic Share of traffic
United States 47.43%
United Kingdom 5.61%
Canada 5.19%
Australia 3.35%

What is the best alternative to Tumblr?

10 Best Tumblr Alternatives You Can Use

  • WordPress. It’s impossible to talk about blogging platforms without mentioning WordPress.
  • Blogger. Owned by the tech giant Google, Blogger is one of the easiest blogging platforms out there.
  • Soup.
  • Medium.
  • Mastodon.
  • Posthaven.
  • Ghost.
  • Typepad.

Who uses TikTok the most?

U.S. Audience – As we mentioned, we estimate that TikTok has about 80 million monthly active users in the United States. 60% are female, 40% are male. 60% are between the ages of 16-24. 26% are between the ages 25-44.

How many users are on TikTok?

In 2020, social video app TikTok had approximately 65.9 million users in the United States. This figure is projected to increase by 22 percent year-over-year, reaching 73.7 million users in 2020.

How old is the average TikTok user?

Roughly 50% of TikTok’s global audience is under the age of 34 with 32.5% aged between 10 and 19. 41 percent of TikTok users are aged between 16 and 24. TikTok users spend an average of 52 minutes per day on the app. In less than 18 months, the number of US adult TikTok users grew 5.5 times.

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