What imagery is used in Lord of the Flies Chapter 1?

What imagery is used in Lord of the Flies Chapter 1?

Lord of the Flies Imagery Chapter 1 * The place where the plane crashed: it symbolizes ‘a wound’ in nature- the children will ruin the “innocence” of the island. The place became known as ‘The Scar’. This is also seen on pg. 37, where another scar is created by Jack throwing down a boulder into the forest.

What kind of imagery is used at the beginning of Chapter 3?

Vivid imagery

Why does Golding use animal imagery to describe the fire?

Golding uses many techniques to create the impression that the fire has a life of its own; in particular he uses similes, metaphors, animal imagery and personification. These animal comparisons show the reader that the fire has a life of its own, because it carries both human and animal traits. …read more.

What literary devices are used in Lord of the Flies?

Golding uses numerous literary devices in Lord of the Flies.:

  • He uses allusion , which is referencing directly or indirectly another piece of art or literature.
  • He also uses irony , or indicating the opposite intention or meaning.
  • Personification is giving an object human traits.
  • A hyperbole is an over exaggeration.

What are the 3 main themes in Lord of the Flies?


  • Civilization vs. Savagery.
  • Loss of Innocence.
  • Struggle to Build Civilization.
  • Man’s Inherent Evil.
  • Dangers of Mob Mentality.
  • War and the Future of Mankind.

How was Piggy’s death foreshadowed?

Piggy’s Death The death is foreshadowed in the early pages, when Piggy tells Ralph he has asthma, can’t swim, needs his glasses to see, and is sick from the fruit. At the same time, the fact that the boys hunt pigs foreshadows the violent nature of Piggy’s death, as when Jack says “If only I could get a pig!”

Who dies in LOTF?

In Lord of the Flies by William Golding, Piggy dies after he asks whether it is better to have rules or hunt and kill. After asking this question, Roger rolls a boulder onto him. Simon dies after his conversation with the Lord of the Flies, when he finds out the beast is inside all the boys.

What is ironic about Piggy’s death?

Piggy’s death symbolises savagery, loss of innocence, and chaos. Irony with Piggy Simon’s death is ironic because he was on his way down from the mountain to tell the boys the truth about the beast: the beast was a dead soldier and they had nothing more to fear about.

What were Piggy’s last words?

His last words are, “Which is better, law and rescue, or hunting and breaking things up?” Piggy has represented the thinker, the intellect, throughout the story.

Why is the end of LOTF ironic?

Much of the irony at the end of the novel stems from Golding’s portrayal of the naval officer. Although the naval officer saves Ralph, the ending of Lord of the Flies still is not particularly happy, and the moment in which the officer encounters the boys is not one of untainted joy.

What does Jack say after piggy dies?

Jack’s reaction to Piggy’s death is non existent and he shows little to no remorse at all. He isn’t saddened or even shocked by the death, instead he screams at Ralph saying he will get the same. This reaction shows us that Jack has turned complete savage and any shred of civilisation has been lost entirely.

Did Jack kill Simon?

Piggy gives his opening statement, citing evidence from the book to support his arguments. “Jack is not directly responsible for killing Simon. Everyone in the hunting circle is responsible for killing Simon.

Who did Jack kill in LOTF?

Jack kills a pig for the first time in chapter 4 of Lord of the Flies. His first success symbolizes the beginning of his descent into violence and savagery.

Who does Jack claim kills Simon?

Jack knows that his words have an immense effect on the boys, and they will blindly believe everything he says. Jack reacts callously to Simon’s death and does not feel guilty about murdering him. However, his followers feel guilty and try their best to repress their memories of the horrific event.

Why is Simon killed?

In The Lord of the Flies, Simon learns that the beast the children on the island fear is actually a dead paratrooper and his parachute. When he tries to bring his new knowledge to the other boys, he is murdered by them in a ritualistic style. This is because the children follow him for protection from the beast.

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