What is the word for building structure?

What is the word for building structure?

structural. adjective. related to the structure of something such as a building.

What is the similar meaning of build?

construct, erect, put up, assemble, set up, raise. demolish. 2’the kids were building a snowman’ make, construct, fabricate, form, manufacture, create, fashion, model, mould, shape, forge. informal knock together.

What is another word for small building?

synonyms for small house

  • cabin.
  • cottage.
  • hut.
  • lean-to.
  • shed.
  • shelter.
  • camp.
  • tiny house.

What is another word for building up?

In this page you can discover 33 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for build up, like: boost, build, develop, magnify, talk up, increase, advertise, strengthen, add to, expand and grow.

What is another word for severance pay?

What is another word for severance payment?

severance severance pay
golden parachute discontinuance wage
dismissal wage golden handshake
redundancy pay compensation
redundancy money termination pay

What is the synonym and antonym of build?

build(verb) Synonyms: strengthen, found, ground, enlarge, increase, create, construct, erect, build up. Antonyms: weaken, destroy, demolish, decrease, dissipate.

How do you describe a building?

Here are some adjectives for buildings: expensive showy, grander and taller, quirky alien, shabby industrial, bewilderingly similar, rectangular beige, stark disagreeable, colored auxiliary, relatively grandiose, lesser, older, narrower, tall, interesting civic, towering, untenanted, low drab, many blocky, blocky black …

What do you call a large building?

Definition of edifice a large, imposing building.

What are two synonyms build?


  • assemble,
  • confect,
  • construct,
  • erect,
  • fabricate,
  • make,
  • make up,
  • piece,

What is the synonym of brave?

Brave, courageous, valiant, fearless, gallant refer to confident bearing in the face of difficulties or dangers.

What are very small houses called?

What is a Tiny House? While there is no official definition of a tiny house, it is generally thought of as a small house, typically sized under 600 square feet. While they can be built on foundations, most tiny homes are built on trailers. This style of tiny house is often referred to as a THOW (tiny house on wheels).

What is a small shelter called?

blockhouse. noun. a small building used in the past as a shelter during a battle.

What do you call shelter?

refuge. A place providing safety, protection or shelter.

What is a synonym and antonym for shelter?

shelterverb. Synonyms: shield, conceal, cover, protect, screen. Antonyms: expose, surrender, betray, imperil, endanger.

What is another word for animal shelter?

What is another word for animal shelter?

ASPA animal rescue
dog pound humane society
animal control

What is another word for animals?

Synonyms of animals

  • beasties,
  • beasts,
  • brutes,
  • creatures,
  • critters.

What is RA 8485 all about?

It is the purpose of this Act to protect and promote the welfare of all animals in the Philippines by supervising and regulating the establishment and operations of all facilities utilized for breeding, maintaining, keeping, treating or training of all animals either as objects of trade or as household pets.

What is a synonym for animal?

synonyms for animals

  • beast.
  • creature.
  • pet.
  • being.
  • brute.
  • bum.
  • mutt.
  • stray.

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