How long does it take to get age verified IMVU?

How long does it take to get age verified IMVU?

In most cases (provided the correct information was entered), we will be able to verify your age in only a few seconds. If you are required to upload your documents, the process may take up to 24 hours. We will notify you via a homepage message when the verification is completed.

Why can’t I verify my age on IMVU?

If our Age Verification partner is still not able to verify your age for any reason, please send us the copy of your ID by attaching it to a Help Ticket. Please take note that we can only manually verify the age after you have tried going through the standard process above. I typed my Age wrong when I signed up.

Can you be gifted VIP on IMVU?

VIPs can only be gifted with credit card and PayPal subscriptions. It is currently not possible to gift using IMVU Gift Cards, unless you give the card (or the PIN) to the recipient so they can redeem the VIP subscription themselves.

Can you gift clothes on IMVU?

When you see an item from the shop that you wish to send as a gift, click on the ellipsis (three dots) on the lower-right corner of the item. This will bring up the product card of that item. From there, choose the Gift option and choose your friend/s who will receive the item.

Is there a cancellation fee for AP exams 2021?

Refunds/Cancellation: Students who submit a cancellation request after November 13 and before 11:59pm EST on March 5, 2021, will receive a full refund of the exam fees minus a $2.35 APTS processing fee. Any late fees that were submitted will be forfeited.

Can I cancel 2021 AP?

If you want to cancel any scores from the 2021 AP Exam administration, we must receive your request by this date in order to prevent the scores from being sent to the score recipient you indicated online through My AP.

Are AP exams overpriced?

AP exams are a definitely less expensive alternative to the college course they represent. By taking AP exams, you can earn college credits, eventually reducing your future tuition. Although the tests do cost a decent amount, it doesn’t compare to the price that you would have to pay in college.

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