Can you have more than one avatar on IMVU?

Can you have more than one avatar on IMVU?

If you just want to have a different avatar or different look, you can buy one HERE : You can also save your new looks after you have made them. All you need to know about customizing you avatar is HERE : If you ahve more questions, please feel free to ask here in the IMVU Discussions…

Can you have 2 accounts on IMVU?

Hey there @LuciaVins​ – There is no limit to the number of alternate a accounts an individual may have on IMVU. Yes, it’s perfectly fine to have multiple accounts under the same user.

Can you hack IMVU account?

IMVU’s servers are secure, and no one can obtain your account details by hacking in. However, from time to time, users have reported that their accounts were scammed, stolen, or taken over.

How do I Unhold my IMVU account?

In order to lift the hold from your account, please contact us by filing a ticket, or by our VIP chat. Please be sure to have the following information on hand for verification: If you have used a credit/debit/gift card to purchase, please provide the name and last 4 digits. The email address used to sign up.

Why did IMVU delete my account?

Reasons for IMVU Account Disabled Your account can also get disabled if you lock yourself out due to entering the wrong password too many times or if someone else gets access and requests for the account to be deleted. IMVU may also disable your account due to a terms of service violation.

Did my IMVU account get deleted?

First, check the email account you have associated with your IMVU account. You should have received an email with the subject “IMVU Alert: Your account has been deleted.” That email includes an Internet address that you can click to reactivate your account. This will only work if you had verified your email previously.

What is an IMVU grandfathered account?

Over the years, IMVU implemented the VIP program and made creating part of it. Grandfathered accounts are accounts that have accepted the creating Terms of Service before the VIP implementation (that subsequently brought with it new terms).

What is grandfathered account?

A grandfathered account is one that is no longer available under the plan to open new accounts or accept payroll deferrals. Grandfathered accounts will typically still accept rollovers, transfers or exchanges from other retirement accounts eligible for that type of transaction.

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