What is a uterus scratch?
Endometrial scratching is a technique used to improve the ability of an embryo to implant in the uterus after in-vitro fertilization. It involves superficially wounding the lining of the womb, in order to improve the receptivity of the uterus to the embryo.
How long do the effects of endometrial scratch last?
The effects may last for two to three cycles. Endometrial scratch can cause you to miscarry if you are pregnant. You must not be pregnant when you have an endometrial scratch.
Is an endometrial scratch worth it?
While IVF clinical pregnancy rates might be boosted a little after an endometrial scratch, the study found no significant benefits. It’s well worth reading the report, as it gives a good summary of past studies as well. So not everyone benefits from endometrial scratching. All we can say is that a small group might.
When do you have an endometrial scratch?
In order for you to have an endometrial scratch, you will need to be seen by a clinician. It is normally per- formed between days 20 and 25 of your menstrual cycle and its effect can last up to 3 months. You will then be contacted the day before your procedure to confirm a specific time.
Does a uterine scratch hurt?
It is a simple, low-cost procedure which can be done at an outpatient appointment, without anaesthetic, in just a few minutes. It can cause some discomfort or pain. Risks of endometrial scratching include infection and uterine perforation, but these are very rare.
How successful is embryo glue?
The jury is also out for adding “embryo glue” (a chemical called hyaluronan) to the lab dish where embryos develop to increase the chance of implantation, but overall the research suggests it improves the chances of a live birth by about 10%.
Does embryo glue actually work?
The evidence suggested that clinical pregnancy and live birth rates are improved by the use of hyaluronic acid. Other studies suggest embryo glue may be particularly beneficial for women with repeated implantation failure or unexplained infertility. Fertility clinics are best placed to monitor implantation failure.