How do I contact IBM support?

How do I contact IBM support?

You can contact IBM® service and support by telephone or through the IBM Support Portal….Contacting IBM service and support.

Type of problem Call
Advice Migrating “How to” Operating Configuring Ordering Performance General information 1-800-IBM-CALL (1–800–426–2255) 1-800-IBM-4YOU (1–800–426–4968)

Does IBM pay for Internet?

Big Blue employees based out of home offices must now pay for their own broadband connections. In its latest cost-cutting move, IBM plans to eliminate a program under which employees who work from a home office are allowed to claim Internet access as a business expense and obtain reimbursement from the company.

How do I unsubscribe from IBM?

In order to cancel your subscription, here are the steps to take:

  1. Go to
  2. On the Products page click the Manage button on the SPSS Statistics Subscription product.
  3. Next, click the Cancel plan action link in the Overview page.

How do I delete a profile in IBM WebSphere?

Removing a WebSphere Application Server profile Delete the profile using one of these commands: On Windows: was_install_dir \bin\manageprofiles. bat –delete –profileName profile. On UNIX/Linux: was_install_dir /bin/ –delete –profileName profile.

How do I delete my IBM career account?

Enter the email address of the user account and click Submit. Select the user to display the details of the account. Click Edit to display the accountinformation. To delete this account from Sterling Customer Center click Delete andclick OK to confirm.

How do I edit my IBM job application?


  1. In the Applications window, select the application that you would like to edit.
  2. Click the icon in the upper middle of the Applications window. The Edit Application window is displayed:
  3. Edit the application components and roles as necessary.
  4. Click Save.

What does removing a member from the developer portal do?

When you delete your account, any Developer organizations that you own must also be deleted or transferred to new owners. If there are other members in a Developer organization that you delete, these members will no longer have access to that organization, or any of its applications and subscriptions.

How can I check my IBM offer letter status?

Candidates who receive an offer also have an alert on the screen. Selecting the alert opens the offer posted to the Candidate Zone. There are three tabs available to the candidate: The Status tab displays the status description and date of application or other HR status category.

How long does it take to hear back from IBM?

On average, you can expect to hear back within 1-2 weeks.

How long does it take for IBM to send offer letter?

Overall it’s 15–20 days to get the offer from IBM. You will get a mail that ‘Your offer is awaiting in the portal’ , with the instructions to login to the portal.

How long does it take to hear back from IBM apprenticeship?

Three months from first call to first day. It took 2 months in all. I came through executive referrals, so that was a couple phone screenings then an in-person interview day with 3 interviews (including a case). We were outsourced from another company, so it took about 3 weeks.

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