What is the salary of FCI worker?

What is the salary of FCI worker?

FCI Salary 2019

FCI Post Name FCI Salary Pay Details
Junior Engineer (Mechanical Engineering 11100-29950
Assistant Grade-II (Hindi) 9900 – 25530
Typist (Hindi) 9300 – 22940
Assistant Grade-III (General) 9300 – 22940

What is the salary of FCI AGM?

FCI भर्ती 2021 : एजीएम वेतन और भत्ते (FCI Recruitment 2021: Salary Package )

S.no Post Scale of Pay
2 Assistant General Manager (Technical) Rs. 60,000- 1,80,000/-
3 Assistant General Manager (Accounts) Rs. 60,000- 1,80,000/-
4 Assistant General Manager (Law) Rs. 60,000- 1,80,000/-
5 Medical Officer Rs. 50,000- 1,60,000/-

What is the salary of FCI manager?

The basic salary of an FCI Manager ranges between INR 40,000 – INR 1,40,000….FCI Manager Salary Structure 2021:

FCI Manager Pay Scale 40,000 – 1,40,000
FCI Manager Salary In-hand Rs. 60,960 – 67,360/-

What is pay scale in salary?

How to Calculate Pay Scale? The sum of basic pay and grade pay is used to calculate dearness allowance and other allowances. The Dearness Allowance(DA) is a cost of living adjustment to allowance. It is calculated as a percentage of (Basic pay + grade pay).

What is the in hand salary of level 10?

Calculation of Minimum Gross Salary for Pay Level 10 (GP 5400)
Level and GP Level-10 (GP-5400)
Basic pay Rs. 56,100
DA Rs. 9,537 (17% Of Basic Pay)
HRA Rs. 4,488 (8% / Other Cities)

What is the salary of level 4?

7th Pay Matrix Table for Employees of the Central Government

LEVEL 1 TO 5 (GRADE PAY 1800 TO 2800)
PB-1 (5200-20200)
4 19700 23800
5 20300 24500
6 20900 25200

What is in hand salary of level 4?

Level and GP: Level-4 (GP-2400) Location: Delhi. Basic pay: Rs. 25500.

What is a Level 4 employee?

A Level 4 employee is an employee who holds a Trade Certificate or Tradesperon’s Rights Certificate as a Jeweller or Watchmaker. No employee shall receive a wage less than 33% above the total award rate for a Level 4 employee.

What is a level 5 employee?

In a Level 5 company, two employees with equal rank will work together better without needing a higher-ranking executive to mediate or resolve conflict.

What is a level 5 position?

Level V Executive Schedule is the pay grade directly above grade 15 on the General Schedule. Level V positions are considered equivalent to a one star general in the US armed forces.

What is Level 3 employee?

“Telephonist – Level 3” means a person who is required to perform clerical duties in respect of admissions and/or accounts (other than telephone) in addition to switchboard duties.

What is a Level 1 job?

Level I employees are beginning level employees who have a basic understanding of the occupation through education or experience. They perform routine or moderately complex tasks that require limited exercise of judgment and provide experience and familiarization with the employer’s methods, practice, and programs.

What does APS4 stand for?

Temporary Service Officer Register – APS3 and APS4.

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