Who was the Chief Justice of India in 2012?

Who was the Chief Justice of India in 2012?

List of Chief Justices of India

Chief Justice of India – List Tenure
K. G. Balakrishnan 14 January 2007 – 12 May 2010
S. H. Kapadia 12 May 2010 – 28 September 2012
Altamas Kabir 29 September 2012 – 18 July 2013
P. Sathasivam 19 July 2013 – 26 April 2014

Who was on the Supreme Court in 2012?

The Court voted 5-4, but split unconventionally: Chief Justice Roberts was joined by Justices Breyer, Ginsburg, Sotomayor, and Kagan, while the supposed swing vote, Justice Kennedy, joined Justices Scalia, Thomas, and Alito in the dissent.

Who is the previous chief justice of Supreme Court?

Former Chief Justices

Sr.No. Name of the Justice Date of appointment as CJI
1 H. J. Kania 26 January 1950
2 M. Patanjali Sastri 7 November 1951
3 Mehr Chand Mahajan 4 January 1954
4 Bijan Kumar Mukherjea 23 December 1954

How many Chief Justices are there in the Supreme Court?

one Chief Justice

What is the salary of Supreme Court Chief Justice?

The Bill seeks to revise this allowance to 24% of their salary….

Designation Present (Rs) Proposed (Rs)
Chief Justice of India 1,00,000 2,80,000
Other Judges of the Supreme Court 90,000 2,50,000

Who are the 9 justices on the Supreme Court 2021?

The 9 current justices of the US Supreme Court

  • Chief Justice John Roberts. Chief Justice John Roberts.
  • Justice Clarence Thomas. Associate Justice Clarence Thomas.
  • Justice Stephen Breyer.
  • Justice Samuel Alito.
  • Justice Sonia Sotomayor.
  • Justice Elena Kagan.
  • Justice Neil Gorsuch.
  • Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Who was the youngest chief justice appointed?

John Jay

Why is Supreme Court lifetime?

Members of the Supreme Court are appointed by the President subject to the approval of the Senate. To ensure an independent Judiciary and to protect judges from partisan pressures, the Constitution provides that judges serve during “good Behaviour,” which has generally meant life terms.

Why are the robes black?

But the judges of England and its many colonies often wore very colorful robes and even powdered wigs when they sat to hear cases. Some historians think that the move toward wearing only black was strengthened in 1694 when the judges of England and its American colonies donned black to mourn the death of Queen Mary II.

Why are lawyers robes black?

Wearing a black barrister gown and waistcoat indicates participation in and support of the justice system and gives lawyers a sense of being upholders of equality under the law. The colour black can represent dignity, honour, and wisdom, and these are values that every lawyer has to uphold.

Why do lawyers wear black robe?

Black represents submission of oneself to Justice. Just like Priests wear black to show their submission to God, Lawyers wear black to show their submission to justice. Wearing ‘Black Robe’ creates a sense of discipline among lawyers and gives them a sense of power and feeling of being the upholders of rights.

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