How many captains are in the Navy?

How many captains are in the Navy?

E-8/9 are the only individual military enlisted ranks that are capped by law….Projected Navy Active End Strength 2009.

Active Navy End Strength by Grade
Commissioned Officers
0-7 Rear Admiral (LH) 109
0-6 Captain 3,125
0-5 Commander 6,679

Are there captains in the Navy?

Captain is a senior commissioned officer’s rank in the United States Navy, and is equivalent to the rank of Major in the other Armed Services. Navy captains can hold a variety of high-level leadership positions, including: Command of a Navy cruiser or larger ship.

How many ranks are there in Indian Navy?

The Indian Navy

Officer Sailor
Vice Admiral Master Chief Petty Officer IInd Class
Rear Admiral Chief Petty Officer
Commodore Petty Officer
Captain Leading Rate

Which is highest post in Navy?

Chief of Naval Staff

Which army is strongest?

Most powerful armies in the world: US is No 1; find out where India, China and Pakistan rank

  • No 3: China | Global Firepower PowerIndex: 0.086 (Image: Reuters)
  • No 2: Russia | Global Firepower PowerIndex: 0.080 (Image: Reuters)
  • No 1: USA | Global Firepower PowerIndex: 0.072 (Image: Reuters)

Who is the first army girl?

In a ceremony held at the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, General Dwight D. Eisenhower appoints Florence Blanchfield to be a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army, making her the first woman in U.S. history to hold permanent military rank.

Can a girl join NSG?

The female soldiers joining NSG undergo 90-day rigorous training, and are at par with the male commandos. The Director General of NSG said that efforts to induct more women commandos in the force are underway.

Can a girl join Special Forces?

Can girls join Para Special Forces? As of now, women can not join the PARA (SF) Special Forces.

Which is the strongest force in India?

9 Indian Special Forces That Are Among The Best In The World

  1. MARCOS.
  2. Para Commandos.
  3. Ghatak Force.
  4. COBRA.
  5. Force One.
  6. Special Frontier Force.
  7. National Security Guard.
  8. Garud Commando Force.

Who is first CDS of India?

General Bipin Rawat

What is the salary of a CDS officer?

CDS Pay Scale and Salary

Rank Level Pay Scale/ Salary
Captain Level 10 B INR 61,300 – 1,93,900
Major Level 11 INR 69,400 – 2,07,200
Lieutenant Colonel Level 12 A INR 1,21,200 – 2,12,400
Colonel Level 13 INR 1,30,600 – 2,15,900

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