What is the latitude and longitude of Agra?

What is the latitude and longitude of Agra?

27.1767° N, 78.0081° E

What are the coordinates of the Great Wall of China?

40.4319° N, 116.5704° E

What are the coordinates of the Eiffel Tower?

48.8584° N, 2.2945° E

What Are Paris coordinates?

48.8566° N, 2.3522° E

What lies at the GPS coordinates 48.8584 N 2.2945 E?

Eiffel Tower is 48.8584° N, 2.2945° E.

What is the latitude and longitude of the Big Ben?

51.5007° N, 0.1246° W

What palace is Big Ben connected to?

The Houses of Parliament

What are the coordinates for Japan?


What is Canada’s longitude and latitude?

56.1304° N, 106.3468° W

What Canadian city is affected by latitude?

Cities in Canada

Place Name Latitude Longitude
North Battleford, SK, Canada 52.757500 -108.286110
Moose Jaw, SK, Canada 50.393333 -105.551941
Melville, SK, Canada 50.930557 -102.807777
Melfort, SK, Canada 52.856388 -104.610001

What city lies at 51 degrees north?

London is located on the latitude 51 degree North and the longitude 0 degree West. It is located on the Temperate Zone between the Tropic of Cancer and Arctic Circle on the Northern Hemisphere.

What is 52 degrees north?

The 52nd parallel north is a circle of latitude that is 52 degrees north of the Earth’s equatorial plane. It crosses Europe, Asia, the Pacific Ocean, North America, and the Atlantic Ocean.

What cities are on the 48th parallel?

What cities are on the 48th parallel?

  • Victoria. Seattle, Washington, USA — The largest city in the US Northwest is on Puget Sound and is connected with the Pacific Ocean via the Strait of Juan de Fuca.
  • Seattle.
  • Luxembourg Palace, Paris.
  • Belvedere Palace, Vienna.
  • Church of Our Lady, Munich.
  • Primate Palace, Bratislava.

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