How can I book train ticket in ladies quota?
Ladies Quota (LD) To book ticket under Ladies Quota , one has to select “Ladies” under Quota option on IRCTC. This option is available along with other options such as Tatkal, General etc. For booking at PRS counter one has to mention about this quota in the reservation form.
What is the eligibility for ladies quota in railway reservation?
Ladies quota (LD) is generally earmarked in Sleeper class (SL) and second sitting (2S). Ladies who traveling alone or with a child below 12 years of age can make reservations under this quota. There are only SIX berths available under this quota in the ENTIRE Train.
Can a younger person book a ticket under lower berth senior citizen quota in Irctc when traveling with an older person?
Source: Facebook. Under the provision, elderly passengers (above 60 years for men) and women passengers (45 years of age and above) can apply for the quota in IRCTC’s main page while booking. “Lower berths earmarked under senior citizen and women’s quota in the respective classes by default will get allotted to them.
Can we travel in train without reservation?
Railways have recently introduced unreserved trains due to which passengers can travel without any reservation. Railways have started running ordinary mail express trains as special trains, in which the fare is also being charged more than usual on special days.
What is the timing for railway reservation?
You need to know that Indian Railways reservation has different travel classes and quotas with different counter timings. The general quota opens between 8 am to 8.30 am while the tatkal quota opens from 10 am to 10.30 am.
What is the timing to book e ticket in Irctc?
Service Hours: Booking through Internet is allowed from 00:20 AM to 11:45 PM (Indian Standard Time) on all days including Sundays. Service hours are liable to be changed without prior notice. Opening day booking:(120th day in advance, excluding the date of journey) will be available only after 8 AM.
How many days in advance railway reservation can be done?
You can reserve your ticket 60 days in advance, excluding the date of journey at the train originating station. At intermediate stations where the train arrives the following day, reservation can be done 61 days in advance.
Can we book two tickets with same name?
Yes, you can book 2 tickets with the same details for the same train. But, the PNR numbers should be different, ie seperate bookings have to be made. This can be done in both IRCTC reservation and Booking counter reservation.
Can I board train at later station?
Boarding station can be changed before 24 hours of the scheduled departure of train. Boarding point change is not allowed if ticket is seized, said IRCTC. There are chances when the passenger may wish to board train from another station but ticket has already been booked from any other station.
What will happen if I do not board from booked Station?
According to the rule, if you do not board the train from the booked station then after crossing the next 2 stations(stops) your ticket would get automatically cancelled(TTE will wait for you till next two stops from your boarding station) and the seat would get allocated to a person with a W/L ticket or RAC ticket.
Is changing boarding point affect ticket confirmation chances?
No. Ticket confirmation chances are based on Journey Starting Station (irrespective of same boarding point or changed boarding point) and Destination Station. So the changing boarding point doesn’t affect either its status or its chances in any manner.
How can I select my boarding in Irctc?
Login to IRCTC website, with your login ID and password. Go to ‘Booking Ticket History’. Select your train and go for change boarding point, the new page will open up. Select the new boarding station from the drop-down, under change boarding station section.
How many times boarding station can be changed?
Change of boarding station is possible only once. You can change the boarding station 24 hours before the scheduled journey. You cannot change your boarding station if your ticket is seized.
Can we change boarding station after chart prepared?
As per the changes, passengers will be allowed to change their boarding point before the first chart is prepared, that is, four hours before the departure.
Can I board train after 5 stations?
Though speaking by the rules, you are not to board the train after your boarding point. Boarding one to two stations after your boarding point is mostly acceptable by the TTE. But Any passenger boarding before you will be alloted a confirm ticket against your RAC ticket.
Can I change boarding station in confirmed ticket?
Visit the IRCTC website: Login by entering your username and password. Go to My Account > My Transactions > Booked Ticket History. Select the ticket for which you want to change the boarding station and select the ‘Change Boarding Point’ option.
Can one passenger change the boarding point with the same PNR on an E ticket?
Yes, You can and for this you have 2 options. While booking the ticket you can choose a different boarding point using the Boarding point drop down. If you have already booked the ticket you you can request for a change of boarding point only after 24 hours from the time of booking.
How can I change my boarding station with PNR number?
How to change the boarding point of your journey?
- Login into your account with your Login ID and Password.
- Head over to “Booking Ticket History” section.
- Select your train and then select “Change Boarding Point”.
- A new window will open up. Select the new boarding station from the drop-down menu.