What is the function of pin number 4 of IC 555?

What is the function of pin number 4 of IC 555?

Pin Name
3 output
4 reset
5 control voltage
6 threshold

What is the function of IC 555 timer?

The functional parts of the 555 timer IC include flip-flop, voltage divider and a comparator. The main function of this IC is to generate an accurate timing pulse. In the monostable mode, the delay of this IC is controlled by the external components like a resistor and capacitor.

What is the value of resistor in IC 555?

For standard 555 timers use timing resistor values between 1K ohms and 1M ohms.

How do you control the frequency of a 555 timer?


  1. Period(T) and Frequency(F) are inversely proportional.
  2. Increase in C1 will decrease Frequency (F)
  3. Increase in R1 will increase High Time (T1) but will not alter low Time (T2)
  4. Increase in R2 will increase High Time (T1) and also increase low Time (T2)
  5. So, always set T2 first and then T1.

What is the output of 555 timer?


Part number NE555
Output current (maximum) 200 mA
Maximum Power dissipation 600 mW
Power consumption (minimum operating) 30 mW @ 5 V, 225 mW @ 15 V
Operating temperature 0 to 70 °C

What pin determines the output of 555?

555 circuit symbol The circuit symbol pins are arranged to suit the circuit: for example pin 8 at the top for the +Vs supply, pin 3 output on the right.

How do you control the output voltage of a 555 timer?

Pin 5 of the 555 is connected to the internal comparator and by holding pin 5 at a particular voltage, you can change the voltage at which the 555 starts discharging the capacitor, normally 2/3 Vcc. Connecting a voltage source to pin 5 can change the frequency of oscillation.

How do you make a 555 timer circuit?

First put your 555 timer chip on the breadboard and 9 volt battery clip. Then connect Pin 1 to GND and pin 8 to positive. Then connect pin 4 to positive. Connect your two resistors, first one from pin 2 to pin 7, then from pin 7 to positive.

How fast can a 555 timer go?

according to the website, the 555 timer has a maximum frequency of 2MHz.

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