What is a Pyromatic?

What is a Pyromatic?

Word forms: plural pyromaniacs. countable noun. A pyromaniac is a person who has an uncontrollable desire to start fires.

What is chickens slang for?

1a : scared. b : timid, cowardly. 2 slang. a : insistent on petty details of duty or discipline. b : petty, unimportant.

What does chickens mean in rap?

“Kilogram of Cocaine” is the most common definition for CHICKEN on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. CHICKEN. Definition: Kilogram of Cocaine.

What does it mean when a guy calls a girl a chicken head?

“Chickenhead” is an American English slang term that is typically used in a derogatory manner toward women. The term mocks the motion of the body while performing oral sex on a man, but contains social characteristics and cultural relevance as well, and is frequently heard in popular hip hop music.

What does it mean when a guy calls you a chicken?

afraid to do something

What does a chick girl mean?

young woman

What does it mean when a girl says chicken?

The definition of chicken is a domestic bird used for meat and laying eggs, the meat that comes from such a bird, or is a slang term for someone who is fearful or cowardly. A person who is afraid to dive in the pool even after every single one of his friends did is an example of someone who might be called a chicken.

Is Chicken slang for money?

For the uninitiated: “Chicken” means money. “Sahab” is slang term for friend.

How much money is a chicken slang?

Apparently it means money you don’t want to lose. So, chicken in this sense means to be fearful. Chicken money is assets or savings you would keep safely. You would not make a risky investment with it.

Is the word dude offensive?

The word “dude” itself is informal, not strictly offensive or disrespectful. It can, however, be used in an offensive way and taken as such especially by older people who grew up with a different idea of it (as Quora User mentioned). Originally Answered: Is dude a offensive word? It’s informal and jocular.

Why is dude a bad word?

“Dude” was an insult referring to the city slickers just pretending to be cowboys. It’s pretty much a harmless word nowadays of course, but for a while, it was an insult, albeit pretty mild as insults go.

Can I call my friend dude?

Sure, “dude” is usually meant for male friends (although people use it for women as well) and “buddy” is used for any friend, male or female.

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