What are the safety precautions in electrical laboratory during experiment?

What are the safety precautions in electrical laboratory during experiment?

Avoid contact with energized electrical circuits. Disconnect the power source before servicing or repairing electrical equipment. When it is necessary to handle equipment that is plugged in, be sure hands are dry and, when possible, wear nonconductive gloves and shoes with insulated soles.

What precautions do you need to take when working with electrical equipment for example laboratory electrical equipment )?

Maintain a work space clear of extraneous material such as books, papers, and clothes. Never change wiring with circuit plugged into power source. Never plug leads into power source unless they are connected to an established circuit. Avoid contacting circuits with wet hands or wet materials.

What are the general laboratory safety rules?

Handle and store laboratory glassware with care to avoid damage. Inspect glassware often; do not use damaged glassware. Use extra precautions when handling containers that are under negative or positive pressure; shield or wrap them to contain chemicals and fragments should an explosion/implosion occur.

How many lab safety rules are there?

Top 10 Lab Safety Rules

  • Rule #1 – WALK.
  • Rule #2 – PROPER LAB ATTIRE.
  • Rule #5 – BROKEN GLASS.
  • Rule #6 – EYE WASH/SHOWER.
  • Rule #7 – FIRE SAFETY.

What are the most common lab safety problems?

Common Laboratory Safety Issues

  • Storage of combustible materials near the ceiling.
  • Storage of corrosive, flammable, or toxic chemicals above face height.
  • Incomplete/improper labeling of liquid waste containers.
  • Poor labeling of stock solutions or secondary containers.
  • Faded labels or label falling off.

How many types of hazards are there?

Types of Hazard

Hazard Example
Psychological hazards Heights Loud sounds Tunnels Bright lights
Environmental hazards Room temperature Ventilation Contaminated air Photocopiers Some office plants Acids
Hazardous substances Alkalis Solvents
Biological hazards Hepatitis B New strain influenza

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