What technology did the Spanish bring to America?
The people of the land learned new farming techniques using tools such as plows. The conquistadors built homes, farms, chapels and other buildings using building patterns and designs similar to those in Europe. The soldiers also brought new weapons that helped the indigenous people fish and hunt with greater ease.
What kinds of weapons did the Spanish have access to where had this technology come from?
Where had this technology come from? They had gun powder from China but it was pioneered by the Arabs. They were using the harquebus aka guns.
Which gun did the Spanish use to defeat the Moors?
Voiceover: By the 1530s, the Jacobus was an important part of the Spanish arsenal. Gunpowder had originally come from China, but its use as a weapon was pioneered by the Arabs.
Why did the Spanish have guns but the Incas did not?
Like mentioned before, they had more access to guns and the technology because they were closer to the Fertile Crescent than the Incas. While the Americas were isolated and had no knowledge about steel, the Europeans got the knowledge of steel because of the Fertile Crescent’s knowledge spreading through the lands.
Why didn’t the Inca have writing even though the Aztecs did?
Inca did not have any writing to fulfil the purpose of communication and store knowledge as Mayan and Aztec people did. Explanation: The Incan culture is one of the mysterious indigenous civilizations in South America. This Ouipu was a unique and portable system to store various data in civilization.
How did the Spanish defeat the Aztecs so easily?
The Spanish tried to change the Aztecs into Catholics and make them act like Spanish people. They made it easier to change from Aztec rule to Spanish rule by letting many Aztec nobles become Spanish nobles. The conquistadors rewarded people who had helped them defeat the Aztecs.
Which is older Inca or Aztec?
The Aztecs followed about 400 years after the Mayan civilization began to shrink. The Inca were from a completely different area and lasted less than 300 years before being wiped out, while still managing to become the most advanced in their short life.